
Rael Beloroth Ethepyr (6.66)

Rael Beloroth Ethepyr

Superhero Database Original Characters

Rael Beloroth Ethepyr's powers and abilities

Name: Rael Baloroth Ethepyr

Origin: Orniemverse

Gender: Genderless

Classification: Beyond Ω Entity, Beyond Ω Eksistence, All-Beyond, The Beyond, Beyonder, The Absolute

Age: No Beginning No End. Not Bound With Time.

Dimensionality: Ω-D | Inapplicable| Beyond Dimension | Irrelevant | Transcending and Being Beyond Ω Dimensions, Time, Space and Everything.

Layer: Beyond All Ω Layers

Form: Ω

Power and Abilities: Ω

Attack Potency & Attack: Inapplicable, Beyond AΩ only 0/Ω% of Rael's Attack Potency & Attack . (+Ω^Ω^Ω^Ω Attack Potency & Attack Instantly Non-stop and Every Move Includes a Little Move)

Speed: Omnipresent | Ω

Lifting Strength: Immeasurable, Beyond Ω only 0/Ω% of Rael's Lifting Stregth. (+Ω^Ω^Ω^Ω Lifting Strength Instantly Non-stop and Every Move Includes a Little Move)

Striking Strength: Inapplicable, Beyond Ω only 0/Ω% of Rael's Striking Strength. (+Ω^Ω^Ω^Ω Striking Strength Instantly Non-stop and Every Move Includes a Little Move)

Durability: Boundless, Beyond Ω only 0/Ω% of Rael's Durability. (+Ω^Ω^Ω^Ω Durability Instantly Non-stop and Every Move Includes a Little Move)

Energy: Irrelevant, Beyond Ω only 0/Ω% of Rael's Stamina/Energy. (+Ω^Ω^Ω^Ω Stamina/Energy Instantly Non-stop and Every Move Includes a Little Move)

Stamina: Irrelevant, Beyond Ω only 0/Ω% of Rael's Stamina. (+Ω^Ω^Ω^Ω Stamina Instantly Non-stop and Every Move Includes a Little Move)

Range: Rael can change the scale

Standard Equipment: Atom

Intelligence: Omniscient

Existence Point: Immeasurable. Beyond Ω only 0/Ω% of Rael's Eksistence Point. (+Ω^Ω^Ω^Ω Exsistence Point Instantly Non-stop and Every Move Includes a Little Move)

Weakness: Always holding back to the limit during a fight, wanting to prolong the fight.

Immortality: Has No Beginning and End. If it is killed, it will resurrect at will. Infinite Power was useless when used to fight Rael. Rael existence is always increasing Ω^Ω^Ω^Ω Instantly without stopping. Have Infinite Health. Not connected with the concept of death. Has no Soul/Root/Core/Origin. He is "None" and "There is". So there's no point in killing/removing/eliminating "None" or "Existing". Have Countless Avatars.

Note: He just using 0/Ω% of his power. Will become stronger if killed. If he used 1% of his power, then his entire stats which originally always increased by Ω^Ω^Ω^Ω instantly without stopping, would multiply to

Ω^Ω^Ω^Ω^Ω^Ω^Ω^Ω. Will be multiplied if he adds 1% power.

Honestly the stats of Superherodb can only reach ∞ and can't be customized



Intelligence0 IQ
Strength0 kg • 0 lb
Speed0 m/s

Super Powers
