Queen Hippolyta

Queen Hippolyta


universe Post-Crisis

Queen Hippolyta's powers and abilities

Amazonian Physiology

The Amazons are a race warrior women that have received gifts and blessings from five Olympian goddesses: Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Hestia and Aphrodite. Hippolyta possesses the same potential powers as an average Amazon. These include:

Enhanced Intellect

A gift from Athena, the Amazons have the wisdom to be guided by peace and justice.

Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Durability

Superhuman Stamina

Superhuman Agility


The Amazons were gifted immortality. The people of Themyscira lived forever, though could be killed in war or in an accident. Those who followed Antiope and Phthia and became the Bana-Mighdall lost their immortality.


So long as Hippolyta stays on Themyscira, she does not require food, water or any other form of nourishment to maintain her health and vitality. Although they are not susceptible to the throes of hunger, this does not mean that Amazons don't consume food for enjoyment. The Amazons frequently hold great festivals wherupon food is served.


Amazonian training

The Amazons honed their skills in many fields, aided by the gifts from Athena and Artemis.



Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)


Gift of Athena

Athena declared Hippolyta the ruler of the Amazons, and granted her additional insights:


Queen Hippolyta is practiced at conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states. She has often been called upon to use these skills at times of war.


Queen Hippolyta was a born leader and strategist and is excellent in the arts of persuasion and diplomacy.