Puss In Boots

Puss In Boots


Puss In Boots's powers and abilities

Combat Proficiency: Despite his small size, Puss is a capable fighter even when outnumbered against much larger opponents.

Master Swordsman: Puss possesses incredible skills in the use of a sword, mostly in combat.

Cute Nature: Puss' trademark attack is by using his cute nature, shown when he stares up at his opponents with an innocent, wide-eyed expression, softening his foes' hearts.

Guitar Proficiency: Puss seems to know how to play with a guitar.

Expert Dancer: Puss is shown to be an expert at dancing, as shown when he was challenged by Kitty Softpaws to a dance fight.

Sharp Claws: Like all cats, Puss has razor-sharp claws which are sufficient to rend most substances. His claws can also hurt Shrek, even though the ogre's green skin is very tough and can even pierce glass as well.

Expert Thief and Hunter: Puss is known to be a master of thievery since he is extremely skilled in theft. Like all cats, Puss is also a master of hunting.