Purple Guy

Purple Guy

William Afton

universe Five Nights At Freddy's

Purple Guy's History

He was the co-founder of Fazbear Entertainment and helped his business partner Henry Emily create the technology for the animatronics. Despite being a successful businessman, Afton lead a double life as a serial killer who murdered many children across several Freddy Fazbear's Pizza locations in the 1980's. He was also the founder and CEO of Afton Robotics, LLC, and the creator of Circus Baby and the Funtime animatronics, which were made to capture and kill children.

After a fatal mistake that was destroying the animatronics that the souls of the dead children inhabited, the ghosts of Afton's victims cornered him, causing him to try and hide in a old, battered-down Spring Bonnie suit, the same used for his murders. However, the suit's poor condition and Afton ignoring the safety regulations in fear caused a "springlock failure", where the suit's inner metal parts break down and collapse inwards, brutally crushing Afton's skull and body. Despite this horrific fate, Afton managed to survive, either by possessing his own corpse or Golden Freddy forcefully keeping him alive.

He was left abandoned in a sealed room for thirty years before finally being found by a team that wanted to capitalize on the mystery surrounding his murders. William tried to resume his killings, now as the zombie-animatronic hybrid, Springtrap. Only narrowly surviving the fire that destroyed the building he was placed in, Springtrap repaired himself and became Scraptrap, before being ultimately lured into a fake pizzeria and set on fire alongside his various creations and victims by Henry. However, Afton remained the fire's sole survivor as Golden Freddy kept him alive and wouldn't let him rest, proceeding to torture him in his nightmares, over and over.

Several years later, Afton's circuit board got scanned to make a video game. This allowed the creation of a virus known as Glitchtrap, who's heavily implied to be Afton's soul. In an attempt to escape the digital realm, Glitchtrap manages to brainwash an individual working on the game, later known by Vanny, into continuing Afton's legacy until he could make a proper return.

After that, Springtrap was then added into the Fazbear Funtime Service despite not even being planned, implying that the unknown virus and/or Vanny added him in there on their own. This let multiple Springtrap clones roam around, but those closes aren't in any way possessed by William, as the "corpse" inside them is most likely made of a synthetic material. The clones eventually get four skins as part of the game, called Toxic Springtrap, Flaming Springtrap, Clown Springtrap and Curse.

When the Mega PizzaPlex was built around the original remains of the burned down Freddy Fazbear's, Springtrap hid in a recharge station. When Glamrock Freddy and Gregory enter the pizzeria's remains, Afton tries to take control of the former as Burntrap. However, the pizzeria is set on fire once again, and the Blob, a gigantic amalgamation of various animatronics, strangles Afton and takes him away, leaving his fate unknown.