Prue Halliwell

Prue Halliwell

Prudence Halliwell

Charmed Universe

Prue Halliwell's powers and abilities

Basic Powers:

Spell Casting: The ability to cast spells and perform rituals.

Potion Brewing: The ability to brew potions.

Scrying: The ability to locate a person or object by use of a scrying crystal, a map, and sometimes other tools.

Mediumship: The ability to see and commune with spirits of the dead.

Active Powers:

Telekinesis: The ability to move objects and beings with the mind. This was Prue's primary ability as a witch which she could channel through her eyes and hand gestures. She once again displayed this power after her ordeal with Heremus. As a spirit, she used Telekinesis to close the front door of the manor.

Telematerialization: The ability to use telekinesis to teleport liquids.

Deviation: The ability to use a power to deflect magical energies and objects back in the direction they came from. Prue was able to push attacks or powers back telekinetically.

Enhanced Agility: The ability to enhance one's physical agility, speed, and balance. Prue achieves this ability through the use of Telekinesis and was able to perform enhanced acrobatics. Prue was shown to be very skilled in this ability and often combined her agility with her physical strength.

Super Strength: The power to exert a level of physical strength much greater than that of a normal person. Prue demonstrated this a number of times to best enemies in close combat by combining her telekinetic power with her physical force.

Advanced Telekinesis: The power to produce powerful waves of telekinetic energy and to use telekinesis with potentially explosive force. After returning to Earth and inhabiting the body of Patience, Prue's telekinetic powers had grown to a highly advanced level due to her no longer holding the Power of Three back. She was able to lift a car with her mind, levitate a chalk drawing off its surface, and even manipulate her chalk drawing of the triquetra along with four crystals into a mini tornado until it finally burst into a smoky explosion. She could also bind Paige telekinetically and prevent her from using her power as well as deflecting multiple demonic powers at once.

Astral Projection: The ability to project the consciousness in an astral form outside of the body. Prue developed this power in her second year of being a witch. It allowed her to project to another location and interact with things in a solid form while her real body remained unconscious. She could not use Telekinesis during the projection. However, Prue did become capable of projecting her astral form from one place to another without returning to her physical body; in one case, dematerializing to avoid gunshots and then rematerializing at the other side of the room, and she still demonstrated the basic witch ability to cast spells. Prue taught Leo how to astrally project using her telekinesis in astral mode shortly before her untimely demise. This information came in handy when Leo passed it on to the other sisters during their fight against Zankou.

The Power of Three: High Resistance:



Intelligence160 IQ
Strength150 kg • 331 lb
Speed6 m/s

Super Powers

Super StrengthAgilityAstral ProjectionAttack ReflectionMagicMagic ResistanceTelekinesis