Prudence Johnna Halliwell

Prudence Johnna Halliwell

Charmed Universe

Prudence Johnna Halliwell's History


Coop, a Cupid, was sent by the Elders to help Phoebe repair her love life, as she had lost interest having given it up so many times for the greater good. Not only had Phoebe lost faith in love and her powers, but she'd also lost faith that she would ever have the daughter she saw in the future. In late 2005, Phoebe had an astral vision which allowed her to travel several years into the future. There, she met her future-self with her daughter in tow. Phoebe's future self assured her that this future and the little girl were attainable, restoring her faith in her coming existence, but unfortunately it did not restore her faith in love. Coop advised Phoebe that it wasn't too late and that her daughter was in fact destined to be born.

Pre-Birth and Birth

Her parents' marriage and her eventual birth was almost unrealized, as her parents kept denying their feelings for each other to avoid heartache. As Cupids are normally not allowed to have relationships with their charges, whether mortal or magical, as it is deemed to be too complicated and dangerous by the Elders.

However, the Elders made an exception for Phoebe and Coop, due to everything they put her through over the years, so their relationship was not forbidden. After dating for a few months, Coop proposed to Phoebe and were later married by an Angel of Destiny at the newly regained Magic School.

Phoebe and Coop conceived P.J. while they were on their honeymoon, resulting in her birth in late 2007. Phoebe decided to continue the tradition of giving Halliwell children names that begin with "P", and named her daughter Prudence after her late sister, Prue.

Coming Into Her Powers

P.J. came into her powers about three months after her birth. Her mother was getting ready to leave for work when the baby beamed her back into the house and her mother got jealous and thought she had a better power, revealing to her parents that she had come into her powers.

P.J. came into her powers around the same time as her cousin Melinda, yet faster than her other cousins, Kat and Tamora, even though they were much older than her.

About a year after she first came into her powers, P.J.'s remote beaming power grew, enabling her to beam herself. She used this to beam herself up onto a cabinet in Magic School.


When her mother was on a book tour across the country, Paige took P.J. to see her at the hotel. While spending the night, P.J. noticed a glowing light, which her family later identified as a Will o' the Wisp. Worried for her safety, Phoebe sent P.J. to the manor, though the wisp followed and possessed her. The wisp knocked out Piper and confronted Phoebe, transporting her into a memory of being burned at the stake.

The wisp explained that it was drawn to Phoebe because she felt lost. It then warned her about the coming of the Old Ones. The wisp was tempted to keep P.J. to replace her own lost daughter, though Phoebe was able to reach out to P.J. and have her beam into her arms. She then used her empathy to take the pain of the wisp and allow it to cross over.


In 2011, P.J. and Parker are brought to their Aunt Piper's home to be looked after while Phoebe gives birth to their new sister. A short while later, Phoebe and Coop return home to introduce P.J. and Parker to Peyton Halliwell.