Primer Mobile Fortress (EDF5)

Primer Mobile Fortress (EDF5)

Outpost Base

universe Earth Defense Force Universe

Primer Mobile Fortress's powers and abilities

Golden Armor - The Mobile Fortress is coated in the Primers's Golden Armor, which makes it completely and totally immune to all weapons utilized by the EDF. This includes artillery bombardments, rail cannons, satellite lasers and nuclear weapons of all kinds. They are also dropped from orbit onto a planet's surface, meaning they can survive orbital entry. How it avoids dealing massive damage such an impact to the surface when it lands is unknown.

Self Repair - The Mobile Fortress can repair any destroyed or damaged weapons on it in a relatively short amount of time.

Drone Bays - The Mobile Fortress includes an untold number of Primer Drones it can launch to defend itself from attacking armies. These are not teleported in, but instead manufactured inside of the Fortress using unknown means.

Teleportation Bay - On the underside of the Fortress is a teleportation device that allows it to deploy infantry forces to defend it and can include contingets of Colonists and Cosmonauts.

Drill Legs - Each of the Fortress's eight legs are tipped with massive drills it can use to skewer enemies or rapidly dig into the ground.

    Arsenal - The Mobile Fortress has an incredible number of weapons across its surface.

  • Fury Cannons - A Mobile Fortress is armed with three Fury Cannons. Each cannon is capable of annihilating a city in a single shot, but they each have a decently long recharge time.

  • No. 1 Battery - These nine massive cannons each fire plasma bolts that deal enough damage to destroy entire EDF battalions. In addition, each is armed with a set of homing missile launchers.

  • No. 2 Battery - These thirteen plasma cannons can fire at a fairly rapid pace, with each blast being capable of leveling buildings.

  • No. 3 Battery - Made up of 52 mid-yield plasma cannons, this battery is the largest and most devastating at medium range, as each cannon can fire rapidly and each projectile's yield is enough to destroy tanks and small buildings in a single hit.

  • No. 4 Battery - Located on top of the Fortress, this battery is exclusively preoccupied with anti-aircraft defense. This battery is so effective that aircraft cannot operate in the Fortress's area of operation without being destroyed.

  • No. 5 Battery - This battery includes all of the precision laser cannons on the underside of the Fortress, which is mainly focused on clearing out infantry formations.

Primer Mobile Fortress's weaknesses

Teleportation Hatch - A weakness shared with many Primer weaponry, the Mobile Fortress must open a hatch in its underside to utilize its teleportation device. While it is open, the internals of the machine can be damaged and has resulted in the destruction of at least one Fortress.