Primer Infantry (EDF5)

Primer Infantry (EDF5)


Earth Defense Force Universe

Primer Infantry's powers and abilities

Regeneration - Colonists can regenerate lost limbs in a matter of moments. This is accomplished with a white-ish foam that spray from their limbs after a brief period of time and it is unknown if this is a natural ability.

Tactical Training - Although not as skilled as the Cosmonauts, Colonists are trained infantry. They take cover behind buildings, climb structures to gain elevation advantages and provide covering fire for allies.

Monster Summoning - Colonists are adept controllers and summoners of the insectoid creatures the Primers deploy as cannon fodder. They can summon them from their underground lairs to assist them in combat and the monsters are much more effective when commanded by one or more Colonists.

Red Variant - The rare red Colonist has a much more aggressive mind set and are more resilient.

Primer Infantry's weaknesses

Far-Sighted - Colonists appear to be partially far-sighted and can have trouble effectively battling opponents at very close ranges.