Predator (Wolf)

Predator (Wolf)



Predator's History

Wolf was an accomplished Xenomorph hunter and elite ranked Yautja. At some point, he was scarred by a Xenomorph's acidic blood, burning the left side of his face and losing him his upper left mandible.

In 2004, Wolf picked up a distress call from a Yautja Scout Ship that had crash landed on Earth. Traveling to Earth from his species' homeworld, Wolf landed in Gunnison, Colorado and quickly located the remains of the ship and its dead crew. Accessing the bio-helmet recording of one of his dead brethren, Wolf discovered that a Predalien had caused the crash and was now loose on the planet along with several Facehuggers that were aboard the ship. Armed with two Shurikens, Wristblades, Dissolving Liquid, which appears to enzymatically destroy biomass, Whip, and an extra Plasmacaster, Wolf used the Self-Destruct Device on his backpack to destroy the ship and began the pursuit of the Xenomorphs, seeking to eliminate any and all evidences of their presence on Earth.

Wolf killed Deputy Ray as he caught sight of the Predator melting Buddy and Sam Benson's dead bodies at night while the police are looking for them and the dead Facehuggers that infected them. As Ray tried to run away, Wolf killed him and hung his skinned corpse by a tree. He tracked the residue of the Facehuggers to the town sewers. He set three laser nets to contain the Xenomorphs. As soon as he was in the center of the sewers, he baited the Xenomorphs to his location. Once the Xenomorphs were contained, he activated the nets, trapping the Xenomorphs inside. He killed two Xenomorphs before the Predalien attacked him. While preparing to kill another two, the Predalien hit him with its tail which caused Wolf to misfire and collapse a part of the sewer, leaving a hole to the streets. He got up, but too late to stop the Xenomorphs and the Predalien from escaping into the town. Wolf used his Power Punch Glove in his wrist gauntlet to break out of the sewers and continued to pursue the Xenomorphs.

Wolf tracked one of the Xenomorphs to the Gunnison power plant, where he tried to use his Plasmacaster to kill it. Due to the electro-magnetic interference from the power plant, his targeting systems malfunctioned, and he fired on the power plant generators, knocking out all the power to the town. The Xenomorph spotted Wolf and crawled beneath him before climbing up and whacking the Predator off the walkway. Wolf attempted to kill the deadly life form but missed and the Xenomorph escaped into the town. Relentless in his mission, Wolf continued to search the town for Xenomorphs and destroyed the one located in the swimming pool of a local school.

He healed his wound and followed Kelly O'Brien and her daughter Molly to the town gun store after killing a man named Karl at the town's graveyard, where he captured Dallas Howard to use as bait for the Xenomorphs. Dallas escaped, but the bait was enough to draw the Xenomorphs out. A fight followed as Wolf killed a pair of armed store employees and all the five Xenomorphs in the store. During the fight, one of Wolf's Plasmacasters was damaged. After leaving the gun store, he integrated his two Plasmacasters into a custom-built, handheld Plasma Pistol.

Wolf then followed the Xenomorphs to the hospital, where they were making a Hive. He entered the hospital and was attacked from behind by the Predalien, but he injured the Predalien with his wristblades prompting it to send three Xenomorph Drones against him. He takes out the three and struck down another two Xenomorphs with Shurikens, indirectly killing Ricky Howard's love interest Jesse Salinger as she was caught in the crossfire. After that, a Xenomorph managed to push Wolf down an elevator shaft as he was being distracted by the enraged Ricky and lost his Plasma Pistol. He killed the Xenomorph, climbed back up to the roof of the hospital and destroyed another Xenomorph that was about to kill Dallas Howard.

On the roof, Wolf dueled the Predalien in a one-on-one fight, fighting it with only his bare hands, although Wolf was physically outmatched by the Predalien. After his wrist gauntlet and Self-Destruct Device were damaged, Wolf removed his remaining equipment and bio-helmet. He tore off the Predalien's inner jaw, unsheathed his Wristblades and impaled the Predalien through the head, but was wounded by the Predalien's tail stabbing him, resulting in a standoff.

At that moment, a Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor sent by the US Government dropped a tactical nuclear bomb onto the city. Wolf was killed along with the Predalien, the other Xenomorphs, and the remaining humans in the resulting blast.