Predator (Upgrade)

Predator (Upgrade)



Predator's History

The Upgrade Predator, also known as the Ultimate Predator or the Assassin Predator, was a genetically modified Predator and arch-nemesis of the Fugitive Predator. His goal was to assassinate the Fugitive and prevent him from delivering the "Predator Killer" to humanity, so that they could fend off an impending Predator invasion of Earth.

The Upgrade Predator appeared in his ship pursuing another spaceship. The ship contained the Fugitive Predator who was later revealed to have stolen some important Predator technology from him. Upgrade did some severe damage to Fugitive’s ship, but he jumped into hyperspace, escaping Upgrade. Fugitive’s ship crashed on Earth and was then captured by a government agency.

The Upgrade Predator arrived in Earth’s orbit and began scanning for his target. Meanwhile, Rory McKenna was in his basement and playing with a Predator device. Upgrade flew into Earth’s atmosphere and activated the ship’s cloaking mechanism. Rory inadvertently decloaked Upgrade’s ship using the device which in turn, made his ship appear on the military's radar. Upgrade reactivated the cloak while the military sent some F-22s to check out the anomaly.

Rory was still using the device and decloaked the ship again, this time in front of the F-22s who had to quickly maneuver. Upgrade flew over the base where Fugitive was escaping while being pursued by two F-22s. The F-22s managed to attack the Predator ship but Upgrade fired off a blast which destroyed one of the jets.

Upgrade later landed his ship in the middle of a forest and exited the ship with two Predator Dogs. He let the dogs sniff a rag to track down the Predator device. The dogs attacked Rory and The Loonies at the school and then the Fugitive Predator hunted Quinn and Rory inside of the school. As Fugitive throttled Quinn, the Upgrade Predator punched through a wall and dragged Fugitive through it, stunning him. Upgrade changed his skin to give himself armor and asked Fugitive where the stolen technology was. Fugitive managed to fire a blast of his Plasma Caster at Upgrade, but missed. Fugitive then used his Wristblades which simply snapped off Upgrade’s tough armor. Upgrade quickly killed Fugitive by smashing his face with a punch before he proceeded to pull his head and spine off. He then tossed it away and escaped from the scene.

The Loonies escaped and Upgrade sent a transmission back to his clan informing them that the traitor had been eliminated and he would track down the stolen cargo. His clan asked if there were any human leads and replied “Several”. Upgrade later arrived at Quinn’s residence, killing several government agents before scanning the basement for clues. Rory had drawn a map to the location of Fugitive’s spaceship. The government agents made their way to Fugitive’s ship while the Loonies attempted to free Rory. Lynch was acting as the sniper for the team but Upgrade severed his arm with a plasma blast. Upgrade then descended onto the site, killing many military personnel and entered the Fugitive Predator’s ship.

The military had set up a translation device to interpret the Predator language. The Upgrade Predator used this and told them that he had come to that location to destroy the vessel and that they should run. He said that he detected one among them who he considers a true warrior – the one called Mac Kenna, and that he would be their leader. The group initially thought he was talking about Quinn, but instead it was his son Rory. The Upgrade gave the group a seven-and-a-half-minute head start to escape. Upgrade prepared the ship’s self-destruct mechanism and exited the ship. He then pursued the group into the forest while the ship exploded.

Upgrade caught up with the group, killing numerous military personnel and was seen in the trees biting off a soldier's head. He descended from the trees and attacked the group. He fired his Wristblade at Casey who used the Fugitive’s helmet to deflect it. The helmet falls to the ground and accidentally fires off a blast that hits Upgrade. Upgrade falls back into a trap the team had created which covered him in a highly flammable gas. Nebraska fired a shot, igniting the cloud of gas which sets Upgrade on fire. Baxley jumped onto Upgrade, stabbing him numerous times. Upgrade threw Baxley, impaling him on a tree branch while he fatally wounds Coyle. The Predator fell off the edge and into the water. Upgrade then confronted the remaining survivors and took Rory as a prisoner back to his ship.

As Upgrade was about to take off, Quinn, Nettles and Nebraska jumped onto the ship. Upgrade activated the ship’s forcefield, but Quinn hid underneath it while Nebraska jumped on top while Nettles' legs were severed. Nebraska threw himself into one of the ship’s engines which caused it to explode sending the ship back to the surface. Quinn entered the ship and attacked Upgrade, but the Predator fired a harpoon weapon which restrained him. Quinn fell out of the ship, and it crashed to the ground.

A badly injured Upgrade chased after Quinn. As he was about to kill him, a cloaked Casey appeared behind him and jumped on him, firing multiple shots into the Predator’s head. Quinn pushed him off the edge and he fell back towards his ship. Rory activated the ship’s forcefield which severd Upgrade’s arm. As Upgrade attacked Quinn, the surviving Predator Dog attacked the Predator. Quinn managed to retrieve the Predator’s severed arm and added an explosive onto the Wristblade. He fired a shot into the Predator’s leg which exploded. Upgrade was fatally injured in the blast, losing all of his limbs. Quinn asked him what he was, but as he was about to tell him he fired multiple shots into his head, finally killing him.