

Latest Comments

These are the 50 latest comments made by Platypus

52 months member
Captain America The problem is you’re mentioning comics. Batman beats anyone the writer makes Batman beat. The writers could just as easily make deathstroke win or any other foe. As far as this battle goes, we are essentially the writer’s. We create the story. Captain America beats his foes in Captain America comics the same way that Batman beats his foes in Batman comics.
52 months member
Captain America If it’s just a random encounter that breaks into a fight, Cap wins by a landslide. Batman is a fit guy obviously. Captain America is a legitimate superhero that trains essentially just as hard as Batman but in addition has significantly greater strength and reflexes. He’s Batman times three. Cap is gonna break the bat the same way Bane has. Sure, Bane has more strength than Captain America generally but Cap beats HIM out in every other physical aspect. Cap could assess any attack coming from Batman and adapt quickly enough to instantaneously change his strategy and best Batman. Not to mention Cap’s shield. One good trick shot or direct hit in any way to Bruce’s head and you’ve got a severely concussed Batman at minimum. Just because vibranium might not pierce Batman’s cowl that’s still a hell of a lot of force and basic physics says that that hit is gonna be severe. Batman isn’t made like Colossus. Cap wins.