Pit Bull (Full Potential)

Pit Bull (Full Potential)

Pit Bull's History

### Pit Bull at Full Potential: "Peak Pit Bull"

#### Stats:

- **Intelligence**:

*Note*: Dog intelligence is usually measured in terms of obedience and working intelligence.

- **Commands Understood**: Able to understand up to 165 different words, signs, or signals.

- **First Command Obedience**: Approximately 85% of the time.

- **Speed**:

- **Running Speed**: Up to 30 mph.

- **Strength**:

- **Bite Force**: Up to 235 psi (pounds per square inch).

- **Pulling Strength**: Can pull up to 5,600 lbs in weight-pulling competitions.

- **Durability**:

- **Pain Tolerance**: Pit Bulls have a higher pain tolerance compared to some other breeds, which is why they are often used in rescue operations.

- **Endurance**: Capable of high levels of aerobic exercise for extended periods.


### Additional Traits:

- **Agility**: Exceptionally agile; capable of high jumps and quick turns.

- **Temperament**: Highly trainable, known for loyalty and a generally friendly disposition when properly socialized.

- **Sensory Perception**:

- **Smell**: Highly developed sense of smell, although not as advanced as some hunting or tracking breeds.

- **Hearing**: Can hear at frequencies as high as 65,000 Hz.

- **Lifespan**: With optimal care, can live up to 14 years.

- **Health**: Generally robust with proper care, though prone to certain genetic conditions like hip dysplasia.