Piper McLean

Piper McLean

Piper McLean

Percy Jackson & the Olympians

Piper McLean's weapons

Cornucopia: In The Mark of Athena, Piper receives the Horn of Plenty after cutting off the horn of the River god Achelous. It allows her to summon food and water if she has enough will and concentration. It powers also seem to increase if multiple people focus at the same time. In The Blood of Olympus, her Horn is sacrificed to Deimos and Phobos, the twin gods of fear and terror. Katoptris: Piper is the wielder of an Ancient Greek ceremonial dagger called Katoptris. It was given to Helen of Troy as a wedding gift from Menelaus, Helen's first husband. The dagger seems to show a scene of something that has importance to whoever looks at their reflection in the blade (for example it showed her dad captured by giants in The Lost Hero). Katoptris is a Greek word meaning "looking glass." In The Blood of Olympus, after Gaea and the Giants' defeat, the dagger's visions have stopped completely. Sword: In The House of Hades, Piper also picks up Zethes's sword after he was defeated, and Hazel starts to teach her how to use it. But it was lost in The Blood of Olympus. Blowgun: During their journey for The Oracle of Erythaea, Piper uses a blowgun given to her by her grandfather. It was destroyed during her fight with Medea.

Piper McLean's equipment

Cornucopia: In The Mark of Athena, Piper receives the Horn of Plenty after cutting off the horn of the River god Achelous. It allows her to summon food and water if she has enough will and concentration. It powers also seem to increase if multiple people focus at the same time. In The Blood of Olympus, her Horn is sacrificed to Deimos and Phobos, the twin gods of fear and terror.
No equipment or weapons connected to Piper McLean