Peter Griffin

Peter Griffin

Peter Griffin

Family Guy


amaltaas 2 mo 22 d
Peter Griffin
7 months member
@Ezio can I edit? I've only really watched clips of Family Guy so idk about the Universal or Star level arguements, but I moved him to 1++ because he fought Homer to a standstill, who I upgraded to 1++
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Ezio 2 mo 22 d
Peter Griffin
8+ year member
For me giving Homer town level is wrong too. even more wrong than Peter. Peter has lots of anti-feats as much as his feats but for Homer one of a few time using toon force was against Peter.
Generally I don't edit toon force users like normal characters. I give them powers and scores as their normal rules in their verse and just add toon force for them unless we can give them a big sign of Toon force user on our profile page.
amaltaas 2 mo 22 d
Peter Griffin
7 months member
@Ezio but Homer has easily City Level feats, particularly when he shook an entire city by yelling.

Peter also has a lot of star and universal high balled feats along with his anti-feats so I think that this score is fair, and puts him on par with people like Homer and Richard Watterson