

Kevin Franklin


Payback's powers and abilities

Powers and Abilities:

Transformation: Through an act of will, Kevin Franklin can transform into a large reptilian monster named Payback by subconsciously adding additional mass from an unknown, presumably extradimensional source to his bone and tissue. Through another act of will, he can revert to his original human form by shedding this extra mass, which returns to its source. Franklin can remain in his Payback form indefinitely even when he is asleep or unconscious. 

In his transformed state, Payback has a range of superhuman abilities: Superhuman Strength: Payback possesses enormous superhuman strength though not at the level of Icon.

Super-Leaping: Payback's superhumanly strong leg muscles grant him incredible leaping ability. He has proven capable of a standing high jump of 100 feet.

Superhuman Durability: Payback is also highly resistant to injury though the full limits of his durability are unknown.

Superhuman Stamina

Claws: Payback's claws are extremely sharp and tough, enabling them to tear through virtually every material known to man. Even Icon's nearly impenetrable skin is vulnerable to these deadly talons.