Papa Sweet Tooth

Papa Sweet Tooth

Papa Legba

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Papa Sweet Tooth's powers and abilities

Loa Physiology: As a Loa, Papa Legba is a powerful entity residing in the Dark Dimension and has supernatural powers.

Immortality: The Dark Dimension is a timeless entity, thereby resulting in Papa Legba being a primordial immortal.

Dark Dimension Magic: Ruling over certain parts of the Dark Dimension, Papa Legba can control several aspects of the realm. He was able to send Cloak, Dagger, and Mayhem to multiple areas within the dimension.

Shapeshifting: Papa Legba can take many forms, as he appeared as a young Tyrone Johnson to Tandy Bowen and as Kenneth Fuchs to Brigid O'Reilly.



Intelligence110 IQ
Strength100 kg • 220 lb
Speed6 m/s

Super Powers
