
Panther Habit

Black Panther Suit, Vibranium Suit, Panther Suit, Panther Raiments

History of Panther Habit

As chieftain of the Wakanda Panther Cult, the ruler is crowned with a ceremonial regalia in the form of a vibranium laced panther habit. [c= 247]T'Challa[/c] received this crown-like garb after being judged by the Panther Goddess. This uniform has the ability to absorb vibrations via its vibranium lacing. It also has the ability to negate and/or lessen powerful kinetic based attacks such as bullets shots, penetrating blades, and crushing blows. The lenses in the mask cut glare and enhance the Panther's natural night vision. It also allows him to see in infra-red and other visual spectrum. The suit features cloaking technology.

Panther Habit is also known as; Black Panther Suit, Vibranium Suit, Panther Suit, Panther Raiments