


universe Castlevania

Pan's History

erving the role of an Old God, Pan guides Gabriel through his journey. He is noted for his shapeshifting ability, allowing Gabriel to ride him both as a horse and a giant eagle, and fighting him in an armored form. Pan seems to be working for God, and serves as a prophet in the game, being fully aware of Gabriel and what his destiny foretells. Pan knew Gabriel killed his wife, as well as his battle to follow with Satan, knew that he was being used by Zobek to assemble the God Mask, and even knew Gabriel was destined to become Dracula. Yet, Pan resigns himself to play his part in aiding Gabriel in succeeding in his destiny. His end comes when he battles Gabriel and is defeated by him, willingly becoming the sacrifice he needed to enter the realm of the Necromancers. In fact, Pan purposely taught Gabriel how to fight with Light and Shadow Magic so that he may employ the same skills against Satan. For this end, he transformed into the Silver Warrior to fight Gabriel. Pan, once revered as a god, rarely changes into this form, preferring peace and to protect all living things. The magical silver armor is a remnant of ancient times, a tool used for fighting the forces of evil that hasn't been worn by him for centuries. Out of necessity, Pan adorns his body in this ancient armor to test Gabriel one final time. Pan puts his trust in God, for no knight that is false can survive the test of arms. The loser would provide the ultimate sacrifice, according to God's will. After an intense battle, Gabriel impales Pan with his own weapon. The Silver Warrior's defeat provides the sacrifice needed to open the way to the Land of the Necromancers and allow Gabriel to continue on in order to face the Lord of the Dead. Sadly, this also results in the old god's death and Gabriel questions it, but Pan resigns himself to his fate due to his faith that it is God's will.