
OC Pace

Floyd Ballard

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Pace's powers and abilities

Time Perception - Able to see forward and backwards in time but not able to manipulate it, courtesy of The Time Stone.

Enhanced Strength and Abilities - Courtesy of the power stone, Pace was gifted super strength on the level of gods, and given enhanced senses.

Teleportation - able to teleport to anywhere desired throughout the universe, power given to him by the Space Stone

Able to warp and control reality at will - power given to him by the Reality Stone

Infinite intelligence and adaptability and resistance - able to learn infinite amounts of things, able to adapt to any environment, and resistant to any kind of power over his mind. Given by The Mind Stone

The Soul Stone gave him the ability to have total control over his body and astral body as well.

Control over the elements - absolute control over elements, able to create them and resist them