Otto Strucker

Otto Strucker

universe The Gifted

Otto Strucker's History

Otto Strucker was born to Andreas Von Strucker at an unknown point in time, and his mother has yet to be identified. His father and aunt Andrea Von Strucker were mutant terrorists and members of the Hellfire Club. They were known as Fenris ("The Wolf"). Together, they committed numerous acts of mutant rebellion, resulting in widespread destruction and mayhem. The human society and reporting on their activities would label them as "evil" and "terrorists". They attempted to train and indoctrinate Otto, who was also a powerful mutant, into continuing their family's mission. Otto, however, had a change of heart and saw the world from a different perspective, feeling what his family did was inhumane, so he ran away. He changed his last name from Von Strucker to Strucker to avoid being connected easily with the Fenris Twins.

Eventually he met and married Ellen never telling her that he was a Mutant or of his family’s destructive past. Together they had a son named Reed. Otto later in life worked as a scientist for a military contractor called Trask Industries, as part of a project that focused on developing a serum designed to suppress the mutant X-Gene. However, he was only able to perfect one serum, one that was specifically designed and used on his son Reed, before his powers could develop. The serum caused Reed to become dangerously sick and he was hospitalized, coming very close to death. Otto could not look his son in the eye knowing that he was responsible for his sickness and his shame caused him to abandon his family while Reed was still young.

Otto had very little contact with his son after that. He spoke with him shortly before his grandchildren Lauren and Andy were born but was never allowed to meet them. When Trask Industries went under, he retired from his research and settled into dealing antiquities in Chattanooga, Tennessee. When the Sentinel Services came to him suddenly, he learned that his grandchildren were mutants and had caused some kind of disturbance in their school. They questioned him but he told them that he hadn't spoken to his son in years.