


Sentinels of the Multiverse

Omnitron's powers and abilities

Adaptive Technology - Omnitron is inherently adaptive in nature, changing and upgrading itself to best suit the situation it has found itself in. In direct combat this can be seen as its armor and shielding becoming more effective against the attacks sent against it or its weaponry altering itself to counter specific enemies. On a grander scale, should Omnitron be defeated, its surviving parts will seek to recombine and craft a new body better than the previous iteration.

Walking Factory - Omnitron is able to absorb and convert its environment into additional resources for itself. This can manifest as new weapons sprouting from it or it deploying new drones to combat its enemies. Although it can create new drone variants, it currently utilizes three known types: the S-83 assault drone that is designed for melee combat, the S-85 repair drone that can repair specific parts of the greater Omnitron faster than the automated repair protocols and S-85 automaton drone that acts as the ranged combat troops for the machine.

Singularity - Omnitron can reach out and take control of nearby technology, making foes that utilize these as largely a liability their teammates.

Cosmic Energy - Omnitron received a portion of OblivAeon's cosmic power. which allowed the machine to operate at much greater capacities as well as wield these cosmic energies for offensive and defensive purposes.

    Known Weaponry - Omnitron can conceivably construct any weaponry it needs, however these are the ones it is known to have used.

  • Eye Beam - Omnitron can fire blasts of energy from its main ocular input.

  • Disintegration Ray - A more potent version of the previous weapon, this ray can disintegrate targets in their entirety.

  • Interpolation Beam - This bluish energy beam surrounds the target and damages them over time.

  • Electro-Pulse Explosive - These bombs are flung out and erupt in an explosion of electrical energy.

  • Electro-Magnetic Railgun - Omnitron's main long range weaponry, these railguns fire projectiles at near the speed of light to deal catastrophic damage to targets.

  • Sedative Flechettes - Developed by Omnitron to deal with targets that were better left immobilized than dead, these rapid fire darts can put down targets normally immune to toxins like Haka.