
OC OmniPrime

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

OmniPrime's powers and abilities

Accelerated Healing & Regeneration: Rapid recovery and regeneration from any injury, including resurrection.

Agility, Acrobatics, & Enhanced Reflexes: Superhuman movement, coordination, and reaction time.

Animal & Elemental Control: Command over animals and manipulation of natural elements like fire, water, and weather.

Antimatter & Dark Matter Manipulation: Control over antimatter and dark matter for powerful attacks and spatial manipulation.

Audio Alteration & Control: Ability to modify and control sound waves, including creating deafening sounds or silence.

Clairvoyance & Omnilingualism: Perception across time and space, understanding and speaking any language instantly.

Density Control, Elasticity & Shapeshifting: Altering his own density, stretching, and transforming his body at will.

Duplication: Creation of identical copies of himself, each with full access to his abilities.

Electro-Magnetism Manipulation & Electrokinesis: Control over electrical and magnetic fields for attacks and manipulation.

Energy Manipulation (Absorption, Beams, Constructs): Harnessing and projecting energy in various forms for offense and defense.

Flight, Levitation & Teleportation: High-speed flight, levitation, and instantaneous movement across space and dimensions.

Force Fields & Invulnerability: Creation of powerful barriers and near-immunity to physical and energy-based damage.

Gravity, Physics & Reality Manipulation: Control over gravity and physical laws, altering reality and probability.

Illusions, Invisibility & Intangibility: Creating illusions, becoming invisible, and phasing through objects.

Intelligence & Information Manipulation: Cosmic-level genius and mastery over digital and informational systems.

Mind Control & Telepathy: Controlling, reading, and communicating with minds.

Matter & Molecular Manipulation: Alteration of matter at a fundamental level, reshaping objects and beings.

Multiple Limbs: Growing up to four extra arms and being able to fully retract them

Super Strength & Speed: Incalculable physical strength and speed surpassing the speed of light.

Telekinesis & Quantum Manipulation: Moving objects and manipulating quantum states with his mind.

Time Manipulation & Time Travel: Control over time, including traveling through different timelines.

Weapon Creation & Energy Constructs: Creating weapons and constructs from energy or matter.

Wishing & Reality Warping Resistance: Fulfilling desires by willpower and resisting reality manipulation from others.


Lifted and Moved a Galactic Cluster: Physically moved an entire galactic cluster to prevent a collision that would have destroyed multiple star systems.

Restored a Universe from Scratch: Reconstructed a completely annihilated universe, including all its inhabitants, from memory using his reality-warping abilities.

Defeated a Council of Cosmic Beings: Took on a council of cosmic entities, each capable of ruling over their own universes, and defeated them all in a single confrontation.

Stopped a Time Paradox Across Timelines: Traveled to multiple timelines to prevent a paradox that threatened to unravel the fabric of the multiverse.

Created a Cosmic-Level Artifact: Forged an artifact with the power to manipulate time, space, and reality, making it one of the most powerful items in existence.

Evacuated a Universe in a Second: Transported the entire population of a universe to a safe dimension in a fraction of a second before a catastrophic event occurred.

Sealed a Multiversal Rift: Closed a massive rift that was merging different universes into a chaotic mess, preventing the destruction of countless realities.

Held a Reality-Binding Shield: Maintained a shield around a collapsing universe to prevent its energy from spilling into other dimensions.

Prevented a Cosmic War: Convinced powerful cosmic entities to stand down from starting a war that could have destroyed several universes.

Absorbed a Supernova Explosion: Took the full force of a supernova, absorbed its energy, and redirected it harmlessly into a barren dimension.

Revived an Entire Species: Brought back to existence a species that had been extinct for eons by using his molecular and reality manipulation powers.

Knowledge of Multiversal Magic: Learned every known form of magic across the multiverse.

Outmaneuvered a Being Beyond Time: Outsmarted an entity that existed outside of time, preventing it from manipulating the timeline to its advantage.

Created a Pocket Dimension City: Built an advanced city within a pocket dimension, complete with its own ecosystem and intelligent life.

Neutralized a Cosmic-Level Virus: Eradicated a virus that could corrupt and destroy entire universes by rewiring the molecular structure of the infected beings.

Held Back the Destruction of a Universe: Physically and energetically held a collapsing universe together long enough for its inhabitants to escape.

Reversed a Reality Collapse: Stopped the collapse of reality in a universe by repairing the fundamental laws that were breaking down.

Severed a Multiversal Mind Control: Broke the control of a being that was manipulating the minds of entities across several universes.

Merged with the Core of a Dying Star: Fused with a star on the brink of death, reigniting it and saving a planetary system from doom.

Manipulated the Flow of Time for a Whole Universe: Slowed down or sped up the flow of time for an entire universe to prevent a temporal catastrophe.



Intelligence200 IQ

Super Powers

Accelerated HealingAcrobaticsAgilityAnimal ControlAntimatter ManipulationAudio AlterationAudio ControlClairvoyanceCold ResistanceDark Matter ManipulationDensity ControlDexterityDuplicationDurabilityElasticityElectrical TransportElectricity ResistanceElectro-Magnetism ManipulationElectrokinesisEnduranceEnergy AbsorptionEnergy BeamsEnergy BlastsEnergy ConstructsEnergy ManipulationEnergy ResistanceEnhanced HearingEnhanced MemoryEnhanced SmellFearlessFire ControlFire ResistanceFlightForce FieldsGravity ControlHackingHeat GenerationHeat ResistanceIce ManipulationIllusionsIndomitable WillInformation AnalysisInformation ManipulationIntangibilityIntelligenceIntuitive aptitudeInvisibilityInvulnerabilityLongevityMagnetismMarksmanshipMaster Martial ArtistMaster TacticianMathematics ManipulationMatter ManipulationMind ControlMolecular ManipulationMultiple LimbsOmnilingualismPattern RecognitionPerfect RecollectionPhasingPhotographic DeductionPhotographic ReflexesPhysics ManipulationPressure PointsQuantum ManipulationReality WarpingReflexesRegenerationStaminaSubjective RealitySuper SpeedSuper StrengthTelekinesisTelepathyTeleportationToxin and Disease ResistanceUnderwater breathingVision - NightVision - TelescopicVision - X-RayWallcrawlingAfterimage CreationAge ManipulationAnimal AttributesAnimal Oriented PowersAnti-GravityArcane MagicAttack ReflectionBiokinesisBlack Hole ManipulationBody PuppetryBone ManipulationBullet TimeCamouflageChaos MagicChemokinesisChronoskimmingCloakingCloningCloth ManipulationCurse ManipulationDark MagicDarkforce ManipulationData ManipulationEcholocationElectricity AbsorptionElement ControlElemental TransformationEMP GenerationEnhanced SightExplosion ManipulationFlexibilityGadget UsageGrappling/ClimbingHair ManipulationHoming AttackHyperkinesisLarge SizeLeadershipLevitationLight ControlLiquid TransmutationMagicMagic AbsorptionMagic ResistanceMagma ManipulationMatter AbsorptionMechanical AptitudeMetaphysics ManipulationMind Control ResistanceMolecular DissipationMolecular ImmobilizationMolecular OscillationPaper ManipulationPataphysics ManipulationPerspective ManipulationPower AbsorptionPower MimicryPreparationProbability ManipulationRadar SenseRadiation AbsorptionRadiation ControlRadiation ImmunityReality Warping ResistanceRune MagicShadow ManipulationShapeshiftingShockwaves GenerationSize ChangingSonarSpace SurvivabilitySpaceflightSpatial CommunicationStatistics AmplificationStealthSub-MarinerSubatomic ManipulationTechnological PossessionTechnopath/CyberpathTelepathy ResistanceTerrakinesisTime ManipulationTime TravelVision - InfraredVision - ThermalWater ControlWeakness DetectionWeapon CreationWeather ControlWind ControlWishingWriting ManipulationSelf-Sustenance