

Godzilla: The Series

Norzzug's powers and abilities

Oil Absorption - Norzzug is capable of finding oil wherever it may be through some unknown process. It can then absorb the oil through its paws, which it can then use to fuel its other abilities.

Wings - Norzzug's large wings allow it to fly, create powerful windstorms and can be used as shields. When not in use, they can be retracted into a more compact size.

Fire Breath - Norzzug can breath streams of fire from its mouth which are powerful enough to cut through helicopters. This ability requires oil stores to use and is inoperable once Norzzug's oil reserves are depleted.

Guardian Statue - Norzzug's all metal construction and artificial nature has made it functionally immortal and difficult to damage. No attacks it was hit with did any visible damage, which included missile strikes, atomic breath and numerous attacks from Godzilla.

Norzzug's weaknesses

Rusting - Should Norzzug become sufficiently rusted, it will return to dormancy. This can be accomplished by thorough exposure to moisture or water.

Oil Dependence - Norzzug requires oil to operate its fire breath and will seek to abandon a conflict when its reserves are depleted.