

Nikita Mears

universe Nikita

Nikita's History

A covert operations operative trained by the secret government organization known as Division, she was recruited after escaping her abusive foster father, becoming a drug addict and living on the streets - and was sent to death row after killing a police officer, upon where her death was faked. With the downfall of The Group, Nikita was pardoned from all crimes and wrong-doing, and retires from government operation altogether.

As a Division field agent, Nikita fell in love with the civilian Daniel Monroe (whom believed she was an airline consultant). After bugging his home, Division ordered his death so that Nikita would not be distracted by emotional entanglements. She escaped the organization shortly thereafter, on the run as they try to hunt her down and eliminate her.

When Alexandra Udinov, the young woman she recruited to act as her mole on the inside, abandons Nikita, she works with Michael Bishop to take down Division piece by piece through intelligence stored on Percival Rose's black box. Following the Division mutiny, Ryan Fletcher has Nikita assist New Division with tracking down the Dirty Thirty.