Newspaper Man

Newspaper Man

Norman Paper

Superhero Database Original Characters

Newspaper Man's powers and abilities

NewspaperMan has the ability to pull out any Newspaper/comic/book ever published anywhere, anytime, and can then use any item/power (Or could in theory summon an individual from said piece of literature) listed or described in said article.

Also, Newspaper Man does have a limit to his power. He cannot become equal to god, though he could acquire many different powers very close to godhood. Also when acquiring powers, there is a time limit that must take place after Newspaper Man gains a new power, before he can gain another, it takes generally from ten to fifteen seconds between new powers though if he were to summon a character it could take as long as thirty seconds before he can gain another power/item/character and as Newspaper man gains new and more powerful powers any abilities he had gained during the fight do increase in power level.