Nathan Petrelli

Nathan Petrelli

Nathan Petrelli


Nathan Petrelli's History

Nathan Petrelli is an aspiring politician who, inspired by his late father, seeks to one day help the world by occupying a high position in the government. Through a long and painful struggle, Nathan succeeded in becoming a Congressman for the state of New York. After the apparent death of his beloved younger brother Peter, he resigned and is currently alone, jobless, and wallowing in his sadness. He is an evolved human with the ability to fly.

Nathan places a high value on his election campaign, often above that of his family. He masks his brother's dreams and attempts to fly by telling the media that Peter has tried to commit suicide. Nathan also tells his mother to "get over" her husband's recent death. Nathan is also willing to abide by his election committee's decision to keep his wife, recently crippled, away from the media spotlight to avoid appearing "weak."

Nathan downplays the existence of his flying power, despite having flown several times, both intentionally and unintentionally.