


universe Dragon Ball Verse

Nappa's powers and abilities

Saiyan Biology - Napp, being a full-blooded Saiyan, has all of the benefits that provides. On recovering from a near death experience, he gains a Zenkai boost, which increases his power to a point where he would have been able to survive the trauma. Under a full moon, as long as he has his tail, Nappa may turn into an Oozaru/Great Ape, which massively increases his size and power level by a factor of 10. Finally, Nappa could theoretically go Super Saiyan, but he died before this could be achieved.

Ki Manipulation - Nappa possesses a great number of techniques and attacks revolving around Ki usage. He primarily uses these techniques as finishing moves and pumps as much energy into them as possible to make them absolutely deadly. His resting power level was clocked at 4,000 and he maxed out roughly at 7,000.

Fighting Style - Nappa's fighting style is focused on devastating blows that maim, incapacitate of otherwise immobilize his opponents. Nappa often leaves himself exposed, taking hits and tanking the. He is also talented enough to fight a group of skilled martial artists by himself.

Saibamen - Nappa carries with him a container with Saibaman seeds in it. He can plant these seeds in soil to give himself allies in a fight, although their fighting effectiveness depends on the quality of the soil.

Nappa's weaknesses

Headstrong - Nappa is a reckless fighter and will blindly walk into situations that are too much for him to handle. He also has a quick temper which can put him in dangerous situations.