

Aquaria Neptunia

universe United States of Amazonia (Artume Ruled Reality)

Namora's powers and abilities

Human/Atlantean Physiology: Aquaria's powers came from being a hybrid of Atlantean Homo Mermanus and mutant Homo Superior physiologies.

Amphibious Physiological Adaptation: Aquaria's body was specially developed for underwater conditions, granting her specialized blood circulation to withstand freezing temperatures and highly developed vision to see clearly even in murky ocean depths. This hybrid physiology meant she could survive indefinitely underwater or on land, though she would still need occasional contact with water to survive.

Superhuman Strength: Like all Atlanteans, Aquaria was superhumanly strong although prolonged surface activity could reduce her strength significantly.

Superhuman Speed: Aquaria could run and move at speeds greater than even the finest human athlete. Her speed was greatest, however, while swimming.

Superhuman Stamina: Aquaria's advanced musculature produced considerably fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of normal human beings, and most other Atlanteans for that matter. Aquaria's stamina, much like her strength, steadily declined the longer she was out of contact with water and would diminish to the point where she only had slightly greater stamina than the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Agility: Aquaria's agility, balance, and bodily coordination were enhanced to levels that were beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Reflexes: Aquaria's reflexes were similarly heightened and were superior to those of the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Durability: The tissues of Aquaria's body were much harder and more resistant to physical injury than those of normal human beings and most other Atlanteans. She could withstand tremendous impact forces, high caliber bullets, falls from great heights, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining injury though it was still possible to injure her.

Aquatic Healing: If injured, Aquaria's body could heal damaged tissue faster and more extensively than an ordinary human or most Atlanteans. Aquaria's accelerated healing was at its peak while she was immersed in water and diminished the longer she was out of contact with water or if she was completely dry.

Extended Longevity: Atlanteans aged much slower and lived much longer than human beings with the average Atlantean lifespan being about 120 years. Aquaria aged extremely slowly, even by Atlantean standards and at nearly a half-century old, she appeared to be in her twenties. She could have lived at least tenfold of an average Atlantean lifespan.

Amphibious Breathing: Like all Atlanteans, Aquaria could breathe indefinitely underwater due to having gills located behind her ears. Unlike most Atlanteans, however, Aquaria could also breathe on land indefinitely as well without the aid of breathing devices (whereas most Atlanteans could only survive being out of the water for a matter of minutes).

Flight: Aquaria also possessed vestigial "wings" on both of her ankles, by which she seemed to fly. As these tiny wings were insufficient to keep her aloft it was theorized that her flight capacity was a mental power akin to telekinesis, and the wings merely assisted in the process of "steering" her flight.

Mental Detection: Aquaria could sense when other Atlanteans were in danger within an undefined radius of herself by perceiving the distinctive mental radiations emitted by them.

Acute Hearing: Aquaria has really sensitive hearing.

Abilities: Aquaria is trained in Atlantean combat methods and fluent in English, Atlantean, and Lemurian.

Namora's weaknesses

Like all Atlanteans, toxic waste and dehydration causes her problems.