Moon Knight

Moon Knight

Marc Spector

Prime Marvel Universe

Moon Knight's powers and abilities

Psychic Resistance

Spector's multiple personalities give him some protection against certain psychic powers.

Expert Pilot

He is an excellent pilot and aviator due to his years as soldier and mercenary.

Skilled Detective

Spector is a good detective with broad knowledge and understanding of the criminal underworld. He also knows many of the streets of New York very well due to being a cab driver in the alias of Jake Lockley.

Interrogation Expert

He is an expert at interrogation often employing law-enforcement methods and torture.

Expert Marksman

He is capable of hurling all types of projectiles with great aim and pin point accuracy as well as an excellent sharpshooter.

Weapons Master

Spector is adept with nearly every weapon ever invented ranging from swords, sticks, chains, projectiles.

Master Martial Artist

Spector is a former heavyweight boxing champion who underwent intense training as a commando, intelligence operative, and mercenary. He is skilled in many forms of combat and martial arts (Eastern and Western) including Boxing, Savate, Judo, and Kung-Fu; his knowledge is extensive enough that it has been shown he understands and can use pressure points against his opponents, striking nerve clusters to stun or even instantly incapacitate. On more than one occasion without powers he has fought the Punisher to a stand still.