


universe SCP Foundation

Moloch's History

Moloch was an old god worshipped in multiple ancient societies, such as Canaan and Daevon. At some point he fell into service to the Scarlet King and helped him in his assault on the multiverse. During the conquest he would often work with Jeser. Moloch would bring forth shame in the souls of mortals whilst Jeser warped them to his will.

After the Daevites were defeated by Ab-Leshal, Moloch came forth to fight him. He was easily defeated but survived, although severely weakened. Eventually a cult known as the Brazen Heart worshipping Moloch was formed which also despised humanity. The cult was thought to have been destroyed by the Spanish Inquisition as told in SCP-2128, but in SCP-2427 it was revealed that they were able to survive until modern times. Moloch also seemed to have a relationship with The Factory as the workers had mentioned his name on several occasions.

A statue of Moloch, designated SCP-089, was under the SCP Foundation's observation. At infrequent time the statue spoke, predicting various great catastrophes. If this occurred, the Foundation were to locate a mother with an infant child under six and convince her to place the child in SCP-089 and burn it alive. When this was done will affect how severe the disaster was. For example it took the Foundation six years to carry out the necessary sacrifice during the Taiping Rebellion, leading to the deaths of millions followed by a famine.

As the group Are We Cool Yet? used some of the Daevite magic to create their art pieces, which included beings known as the Inkbloods, some of the Inkbloods seemingly fell under the control of Moloch as Mary-Ann Lewitt and Salah Zahiri of the Horizon Initiative encountered an Inkblood in BackDoor Soho which worshipped Moloch.