Misogi Kumagawa

Misogi Kumagawa

Misogi Kumagawa

Medaka Box

Misogi Kumagawa's History

As a child, Kumagawa went to Hakoniwa General Hospital to test for Abnormalities, and ended up sitting next to Medaka while waiting to get checked. He was sorely unimpressed by what was going on, telling Medaka that people are born for no reason. As he was called in, Kumagawa left Medaka with the parting words that there was no point in being alive.[1] He then met with and was examined by Hitomi Hitoyoshi.[2] Hitomi put on a smile and introduced herself, asking him if there was anything she could do for him. Kumagawa asked her to mark him down as a Normal, so as not to worry his parents.[3] Kumagawa attempted to bribe her with information about two thousand Abnormals, though Hitomi refused even so, declaring it was her duty to make children like him happy. In face of Hitomi's constant refusal, Kumagawa instead revealed that he knew about her son, and asked if he could be his "friend" should he have to be hospitalized. Hitomi recognized the threat, but was left with no choice but to mark Kumagawa as having no problems.While Student Council president at Hakobune Middle School, Kumagawa used Kouki Akune to get rid of students he didn't like. One of his targets was Medaka; he told Akune that a tomboy like her was not necessary in their little paradise.[5] Medaka's subsequent conversion of Akune would be the spark that led to her fight with Kumagawa.[6] The situation between Kumagawa and Medaka came to a head when he viciously attacked his vice-president Ajimu (the one responsible for making him president), ostensibly to confirm his feelings for her. Worried that he loved her only for her good looks, Kumagawa ripped off her face.[7] This drove Medaka into a rage, and into War God Mode for the first time.[8][9] Losing herself in anger, she beat Kumagawa until he begged her to stop. He left the school afterwards.[10][11][12]Two months prior to his arrival at Hakoniwa Academy, Kumagawa transfers into Suisou Academy.[13] When the other students laugh at his joke of having transferred from Weekly Shōnen Jump, he attacks the entire class with his screws, only to undo the damage an instant later. This terrifies the whole class. Kumagawa is later approached by Saki Sukinasaki; that she would start a conversation with him makes him happy enough to start crying. He listens as Sukinasaki describes the school's Student Council president and Monarch, Aki Jakago. After hearing of her Abnormality, Kumagawa agrees to meet with her, commenting that it might be just the skill he is looking for.[14] Upon meeting Jakago, Kumagawa mentions what he has heard of her, claiming to have respected her for ten years. When Jakago begins to suffocate Sukinasaki, Kumagawa panics, crying out that his childhood friend from age two is going to die (parodying the relationship between Medaka and Zenkichi). He begs Jakago to stop, who compiles. She then offers him her hand, only to withdraw it before Kumagawa can shake hands with her. He asks her if anything is wrong, and after she replies in the negative, dismisses him.Kumagawa is later surrounded by the Student Council in an empty classroom. He easily sees that they are being controlled, and expresses his derision of Jakago's ability, calling it a skill that can be defeated simply by holding one's breath. Kumagawa is shocked however, when his screws crumble. Jakago reveals that she has oxidized both his weapons and his body, and Kumagawa collapses. He quickly returns to his feet though, and tells Jakago that while her skill is enough to control humans, it is not enough to control non-humans; she won't be able to defeat Anshin'in. When the Student Council asks who Anshin'in is, he tells them that she is a what, not a who. Kumagawa then orders them to show their skills, though he does not expect much as he has already overcome their leader. He defeats all four in an instant, then explains his Minus to Jakago, claiming that they are the ones at fault for being controlled. Kumagawa goes on to tell Jakago that even his Minus is not enough to defeat Anshin'in, and he is looking for other skill holders for just that purpose. He then tells her to leave, giving her five seconds before he changes his mind. He attacks after one second anyway, claiming that he changed his mind about the time limit. As Jakago calls him a liar before collapsing, Kumagawa agrees with her, telling her to remember the name of his Minus, All Fiction. The next day, Kumagawa is approached by Sukinasaki, who recommends he become Student Council president, as Jakago has been hospitalized. When Kumagawa tries to turn her down, Sukinasaki reveals that she has taken control of all their classmates. Giving in, Kumagawa admits that he has lost to her. One month later, Suisou Academy is shut down, due to the conclusion of the battle between Kumagawa and Sukinasaki, a battle with no winner.[16]Kumagawa does become the Student Council president shortly after, with Sukinasaki as his general affairs manager. On a Monday during first period, Sukinasaki bursts into the council room, crying about her unnaturally blonde hair, interrupting Kumagawa as he reads Weekly Shōnen Jump. Kumagawa stops reading, and asks her if her hair is such a problem that she had to interrupt his reading time. When he notices her hair color, he smiles and assures her that she will not be fired for it. After hearing that student Fude Ezumachi is most likely the culprit, Kumagawa states he has not heard of such a person. Sukinasaki explains that Jakago made Ezumachi leave before Kumagawa's enrollment, who adds that he does not remember Jakago either. When Sukinasaki tells him that Ezumachi can control colors, Kumagawa is not surprised, since his Jump magazine is fully colored. Kumagawa believes this and Sukinasaki's hair are just a form of greeting from the returned Ezumachi. Kumagawa gets up and tells Sukinasaki that they will meet with Ezumachi, not to fix her hair, but to educate him that, besides the recycled paper, only popular or new series are allowed to be colored in Weekly Shōnen Jump. Kumagawa and Sukinasaki find Ezumachi painting a portrait of Jakago. Kumagawa asks him who is in the portrait. Both Ezumachi and Sukinasaki clarify it is the previous president that Kumagawa himself took down. Kumagawa laughs, saying she must have suffered terribly by his hands, and throws a screw at the painting. Kumagawa justifies himself by stating Ezumachi ruined her hair, which in turn is Kumagawa's hair, though Sukinasaki says her hair is not Kumagawa's property. In anger, Ezumachi throws a wave of palette knives at Kumagawa, piercing him throughout his body. Kumagawa rises, stating that Ezumachi's attack was no good as he did not aim for the vitals. Ezumachi turns Kumagawa's uniform pink, claiming that Kumagawa can never look intimidating in that color. Kumagawa smiles, accepting the attack on his dignity, but arguing it will not work if he has no clothes. Kumagawa takes off his shirt and lunges at Ezumachi with his screws. Ezumachi counters using the color blue, causing bruises to appear all over Kumagawa's skin. Kumagawa collapses in pain.In the dream classroom, Kumagawa meets Ajimu, who asks him how he died; Kumagawa does not respond to her prodding however. Kumagawa tells her that All Fiction is nothing more than a magic trick, just like Ezumachi's skill. Kumagawa apologizes to Ajimu, saying the skill is still beneath her. Kumagawa bleakly accepts her encouragement, saying he might try fighting her sometime. As Kumagawa leaves, he addresses her as Vice-President Ajimu; Ajimu tells him to call her Anshin'in. Kumagawa wakes up in the Student Council room to find the school day has ended, having been brought there by Sukinasaki. Kumagawa grabs his jacket, and, questioned by Sakinasaki, tells her that he will go meet Ezumachi again. Kumagawa explains that his reason for fighting is to defend the color of girls' panties. As Kumagawa and Sukinasaki walk through the school, they find Ezumachi has changed the colors of the entire building. Kumagawa asks Sukinasaki why she did not defect to Ezumachi's side since he would make a better president. Sukinasaki's answer is that no one would make a good president. Kumagawa and Sukinasaki find Ezumachi on the soccer field. Kumagawa says he cannot abide by Ezumachi defacing the school but offers a deal: he will ignore Ezumachi's actions if he gives Kumagawa the power to choose the colors of panties everywhere in the world. Ezumachi turns Kumagawa's shirt gray and destroys it to reveal Kumagawa's skin. Kumagawa pierces Ezumachi's shoulder with a screw however, revealing that he has erased blue from the world. As Ezumachi tries to grab the red paint, Kumagawa erases the existence of red as well. Ezumachi goes mad, begging Kumagawa to stop erasing colors. Kumagawa tells him that he only planned to get rid of the twelve basic colors, but since Ezumachi expects him to get rid of all colors, he must comply. Using All Fiction, Kumagawa changes the world to only black and white. Kumagawa assures Ezumachi that, while his power over color is gone, the colors of panties are eternal. Ezumachi lunges at Kumagawa, only to be pierced by several of Kumagawa's screws from beneath. Restating his childhood motto, Kumagawa congratulates Ezumachi on hitting a vital spot (Kumagawa's eye). Sukinasaki asks Kumagawa if he has finally earned a victory. Kumagawa denies it because the world is white, and states he has lost again. Later, he remembers he did not erase the color black, and uses All Fiction to erase that as well.[17]After one month of Kumagawa's term as Student Council president, Sukinasaki controls the former Student Council and several other students to surround Kumagawa,[18] with the intention of returning the recovered Jakago to power as her puppet ruler. Kumagawa questions why Sukinasaki does not simply take over herself.[19] Hearing her motivation however, leaves Kumagawa unimpressed, as he compares her goals to those of a Not Equal. As Sukinasaki prepares to leave, he wonders how she plans to contain him when he can revive himself. Sukinasaki tells Kumagawa her plan: to have the ten students surrounding him keep killing him everytime he dies, trapping his in a loop of perpetual death and resurrection.[20] The moment Sukinasaki turns her back, Kumagawa instantly defeats her puppets. He explains to a stunned Sukinasaki that he invited her to join his Student Council so that they would grow close to one another; subconsciously, Sukinasaki did not want to kill Kumagawa, so her puppets did not try to kill him. A trembling Sukinasaki accepts her loss, just before Kumagawa puts a screw through her head. Suisou Academy collapsed without its puppet master, and Kumagawa erased Sukinasaki's memories as a matter of course.[21]