Metal Elementor

Metal Elementor


universe Max Steel (2013-2017 series)

Metal Elementor's powers and abilities

  • Superhuman Strength: Metallak is considerably more powerful than his brothers (due to the fact that he is a Megalink) and could defeat Max Steel's Turbo Strength Mode with only one blow.

  • Superhuman Durability: Metallak's body is extremely durable and capable of withstanding high temperatures, such as lava as seen on Hot Zone. However, he couldn't stand the flames of Max's Turbo Heat Mode, which melted his body.

  • Weapons Creation: Metal Elementor is able to create three different kind of weapons of his hands: a mace, a saw and a saw launcher.

  • Absorption: Metal Elementor is able to absorb (or annex) other Ultralinks to his body, like he made with Ultimate Elementor, to create Mega Elementor.

  • Ferrokinesis: Metallak is able to control everything that is made of metal around him, like lifting it or absorbing it in order to increase his power.

  • Linking Abilities: Metallak's first form was capable of bonding with anything in order to increase the power of its host, just like he did with the pyramid to become Metal Elementor.


Expert Tactian: Metallak is responsible of conquering and destroying many planets for Makino's glory. During many times, Metallak was able to figure out where Max and Steel were through some sources, for instance in Full Metal Racket, through the internet and Reprogrammed, through Max's T.U.R.B.O. Energy leak.

Metal Elementor's weaknesses

[*]Energy Core: Metallak possesses a energy core in his forehead, like other of his kind. If the core is hit by someone or something, he will feel agonized for some seconds.

[*]Metal Corrosives: Due to the fact that Metallak is made out of metal, he can be defeated by using metal corrosives like Max and Steel did in Full Metal Racket.

[*]Durability Limit: Despite being made of metal, it cannot withstand water pressure and intense heat.