
OC Melt-Down

Alex Hammond

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Melt-Down's powers and abilities

Base -

Physical Strength - Solar System Cluster

Speed - Low Tier Herald (10's of thousands of times faster than light)

Combat Level - Pro Club Fighter

Intelligence - Meltdown has an IQ of 120

Threat Level - Galaxy Tier

Energy Manipulation

On a massive scale, he can control and manipulate any form of energy, but the most used form of energy that he uses is nuclear energy as well as cosmic gamma rays, Meltdown because of this has the ability of energy such as protein as well and can use it to tire out opponents, Meltdown can also boost his own energy or his allies when needed as a rejuvenation.

Super-Human Strength

Meltdown is extremely powerful, he can casually destroy and throw around mountains like a softball, bend weakened Tonormium, support the weight of moons and even destroy planets, however, when harnessing his pure energy form, he has the ability to destroy extremely large stars such as VY Canis Majoris when Exodius threatened to throw it onto the Sol System destroying it, what did Alex do? He simply burst through it and blew it up.

Alex's maximum destructive capability is currently unknown, therorised to be at least Solar System Level.

Super-Human Speed

In his base form he can fly, think and move at near light speeds, however, the more energy he uses the faster he gets, in his living energy state, he was able to move hudnreds of thousands to millions times of times faster than light.


As stated previously, Metldown can try at speeds almost at the speed of light, Meltdown can also fly through environments such as water, lava and space, enabling him for space travel.

Self Destruct

If he doesn't release enough energy throughout enough time, he'll blow up, taking the planet with him.