Mayor Carrot

OC Mayor Carrot

Ben Carrot

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Mayor Carrot's History

Benjamin was from Vegetable City. Crime and corruption took over the city he once loved. Food shortages and electrical outages plagued the city further. Anarchy spread and many vegetable immigrants went to the docks to escape. There were so few boats, and so Benjamin's parents had to send him away, and they would need to stay behind. His boat was packed with 30 other immigrants. But the boat capsized and he was the last one who remained who didn't drown. He arrived in Fruit City full of hope and promise. But the fruits treated the vegetable immigrants as lower class. Benjamin had to get a job shoe shining. But eventually, he rose in politics and finally ran for mayor. He won the election and became elected for 4 more terms. During that time he legalized superheroes, such as Captain Watermelon, and made them work on the side of the law for a paycheck.