

Brigid O'Reilly

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Mayhem's History

Mayhem is a doppelganger of Brigid O'Reilly who was created from O'Reilly's exposure to the Darkforce and Lightforce. Although she initially desired to murder her template, Mayhem switched objectives and sought to get revenge against James Connors, whose attempt on O'Reilly's life had led to the creation of Mayhem. Unable to find him as he had been absorbed in the Dark Dimension, Mayhem became a ruthless vigilante in New Orleans, attacking members of gangs involved in a sex trafficking ring, which eventually caused her existence to be discovered by O'Reilly, as well as Cloak and Dagger. Ignoring their attempts to make her end her brutal investigations, Mayhem carried out her agenda until she was absorbed into the Dark Dimension as well by Cloak.

During her stay in the Dark Dimension, Mayhem was able to track down Connors and nearly killed him before being stopped by Dagger. She then remained alone in the dark realm and became acquainted with Andre Deschaine's ability to use the dimension's energy to manipulate others. Deciding to help Cloak and Dagger fight this common enemy, Mayhem was eventually faced with O'Reilly after the detective entered the dimension to help Cloak. Confronting their views of the world and discussing their common memories, Mayhem and O'Reilly were able to sort things out and decided to merge, becoming two people sharing the same body, surfacing the personality that most suited their needs whenever they had to. Thanks to this phenomenon, Mayhem was able to leave the Dark Dimension, and later helped Cloak and Dagger defeat D'Spayre.