Master Of The Land

Master Of The Land

Frank Baum

universe Doctor Who

Master Of The Land's History


The Gods of Ragnarok created the Land of Fiction to be entertained, but they eventually grew bored and abandoned it for other things. (PROSE: Conundrum) The First Doctor had heard tell of such domains. (PROSE: Journey Out of Terror)

Rule of L. Frank Baum and Missy: Around 1903, Missy attended a women's suffrage meeting in California, where she happened to meet the author L. Frank Baum. Since she had enjoyed his novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Missy approached Baum under the guise of an entrepreneur, offering to turn Pedloe Island into an Oz-themed amusement park where Baum would greet visitors in character as the Great Oz. In actuality, Missy took Baum to the Land of Fiction. She connected electrodes to his brain, telling him that this was a new technology designed to harvest his imagination, but in reality connecting him to the Master Brain. Baum's imagination was given substance, transforming the Land of Fiction into a version of Oz that was twisted according to Missy's desires.When the Thirteenth Doctor took her friends to the 1939 premiere of The Wizard of Oz in Grauman's Chinese Theatre, they discovered that the film had seemingly been erased from existence, along with all Baum's sequel novels. When they attempted to analyse the Doctor's copy of the book, the TARDIS was pulled into a cyclone and deposited in Oz, which she eventually realised was the Land of Fiction. They met Baum in the Emerald City and told him the truth. After convincing him to purge Oz of Missy's influence, the Doctor took the safer electrode cap she had jury-rigged and gave it to Dorothy, a teenager who did not want to return to her unhappy life in 1939; Dorothy became the new Queen of the Land of Fiction, and the Doctor took Baum back to California to write his Oz sequels. (PROSE: The Wonderful Doctor of Oz)

Rule of the Ensign writer: In the summer of 1926, a prolific English author, who had written weekly boys' adventure serials such as Captain Jack Harkaway for the Ensign magazine, fell asleep at his desk. When he woke, he was bewildered to find himself transported to the Land of Fiction, where the Master Brain connected itself to him. He became its servant, though he denied that he was its prisoner.The Doctor visited the Land of Fiction in his second incarnation, immediately after defeating the Dominators on the planet Dulkis. To escape a volcanic eruption there, he flipped an emergency switch in the TARDIS. (TV: The Dominators) The ship materialised in a white void inhabited only by White Robots and a disembodied force that invaded the minds of the travellers. The crew returned to the safety of the TARDIS, which appeared in a black void. The TARDIS appeared to explode, leaving Zoe and Jamie clinging to the TARDIS console, spinning in space and the Doctor floating nearby, seemingly dead. After a dream-like interval, the travellers found themselves in a world called the Land of Fiction, without the TARDIS. The White Robots re-appeared, this time as clockwork soldiers. In the Land, mythical and fictional characters such as Lemuel Gulliver and unicorns had a physical existence, as did puzzles, riddles and puns. The three travellers first found themselves in a Forest of Words, in which the trees were shaped as words, and when Jamie discovered this when he climbed up a tree which was the letter S, he saw that the letters made up proverbs, such as 'Look before you leap'. The Doctor had to answer a riddle given to him by children. There was also a Redcoat residing in the Land of Fiction, and when Jamie went to attack him, he was shot, and he lost his face, which the Doctor had to put back together from a collection of eyes, noses and mouths, and he got the face wrong, so Jamie had a different face. Next, after being faced with a unicorn, the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe travelled to the end of the forest where Jamie was shot by a Redcoat again and the Doctor, with the help of Zoe, reconstructed Jamie's face properly. Then, all three travelled into a labyrinth where they used a ball of twine which would be used in mazes, but it ran out. Jamie was left to stay on guard where it ended, but he was forced to flee when a clockwork soldier found him and chased him out of the labyrinth. The Doctor and Zoe encountered the Minotaur and Lemuel Gulliver again, where the Doctor deduced that he was Lemuel Gulliver, a fictional character. Before escaping, they encountered and defeated Medusa. Jamie, meanwhile, found himself inside a castle in which Rapunzel was until she vanished. He saw a ticker-tape which reported the progress of the Doctor and Zoe's test in the labyrinth. Once near the citadel, the Doctor and Zoe, searching for Jamie, found themselves outside it and met with the Karkus, another fictional character. They managed to get inside the citadel and find Jamie, and allowed themselves to be captured and were taken to meet the Master of the Land of Fiction. (TV: The Mind Robber) On a mission at the behest of the White Guardian to reassemble the Key to Time, Bernice Summerfield encountered the travellers as they wandered a maze. (COMIC: Time & Time Again)They found this realm under the control of an unseen presence known as the Master of the Land. He attempted to turn Jamie and Zoe into fictional characters and to trick the Doctor into assuming his place and rule the Land. A futuristic computer, the Master Brain, had forced the Master of the Land to be its slave. After learning that the Master was a benign old man, who had also been trapped in this universe and taken over by the Master Brain, Zoe and Jamie overloaded its systems, destroying it and freeing him. Once the Master Brain was destroyed, everything vanished, the central structure of the Land destroyed, (PROSE: No Future and the TARDIS reassembled around the travellers (TV: The Mind Robber) now returned to the normal universe. (TV: The Invasion)The Second Doctor later sent himself back to the Land to retrieve his recorder, but instead encountered Goth, who sent him to meet his future self to help deal with Omega. (PROSE: Future Imperfect, TV: The Three Doctors)