Mason Lupus

Mason Lupus

Mason Lupus

Mason Lupus's History

Mason Lupus is the mind expert and most intelligent brother of the Lupus Guards. The Lupus Guards are 4 mutant brothers each with different abilities that when combined can challenge higher beings. Their job is to protect worlds across the universe. They use advanced technology to adapt to different atmospheres and defend any world across the universe. General Lupus relys heavily on Masons wisdom and intelligence to find solutions to battle problems. Mason is physically the weakest of the 4 brothers but is stronger in other ways. He can read any mind he wishes and mind blast opposition to disable them from the battle. He can control other minds to stop enemies in the tracks or use them on his side. He can create illusions in his enemies minds to distract them whilst his brothers attack. Mason normally fights from outside of the battle and aids his brothers in the fight. He can talk to them within the mind to guide them to victory.