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Marvel500 5 y 6 mo 14 h 27 m
75 months member
Yo I got really busy and stuff but I'm back now
ManofPower 5 y 8 mo 11 d
80 months member
It turns out that the bank was being robbed by the Superhumans known as The Extremes. "Oi! Look whos come to save the day mates" Spike cockily said. "It noone but Momentum and Ice Age" Techno said. "Its 5 against 2 fellas. I advise you to run." Spike said. "Heroes dont run, We protect. Ill give you until the count of three before we give you the beatdown" Momentum said as he pounded his fist together. "Hmm...Let me think about that...No. Particle deal with them sweet cakes." He said "Aye aye cap'n" She answered. "Well boys let's have some fun." She said wickedly. "I'll take Spike and Particle. You take Poison and Multiplier. We'll deal with Techno as well" Ice Age ordered Momentum. And they charged at them. Spike shot out well...Spikes at Momentum who effectively dodged them. Particle turned into gas and flew into Mometum's lungs. He collapsed on the ground unable to breath. "You...*coffs* Think that'll stop me?" Momentum began to phase harming Particle as she was forced out of his body. Ice Age blasted Techno and froze his arms making him stuck to the ground. Momentum blitz Poison and Multiplier leaving Spike as the last one. "Aye can't we talk about this over a nice cup of joe?" Spike said as he shot a spike which cut Jason's cheek. "Spike surrender now." Ice Age said. "Bloody hell I will. Ill fight til my last breath you hear me! Ill fight til the---" Momentum blitz him and knocked him out. "He was starting to annoy me with that accent." Momentum said as he rolled his eyes.

Sneak peek for Tyton War
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ManofPower 5 y 8 mo 4 d
80 months member
Also do you have a discord?