
Marvel and DC parents of daughters

Created by AmalgamComics00, 1 y 11 mo 10 d ago.

Who in Marvel and DC has a daughter or daughters, and no sons?


Alien_X 1 y 11 mo 9 d
Marvel and DC parents of daughters
56 months member
Luke Cage and Jessica Jones have a daughter, Danielle.

Scott Lang has Cassie.

Scarlet Witch isn't Magneto's daughter, but Polaris is.

Odin has a daughter named Aldrif/Angela (who, btw, seems very underrated on this site).

And a bunch of others (pretty sure Professor X and Deadpool are two of them). And that's just from Marvel.
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Tyrannus 1 y 11 mo 9 d
Marvel and DC parents of daughters
69 months member
I believe Scarlet Witch is still Magneto's daughter but she changed things after M day. She magicked herself into not being his daughter which doesn't make sense. Many X-Men fans still assume she's still Magento's daughter.
Alien_X 1 y 11 mo 9 d
Marvel and DC parents of daughters
56 months member
Yeah, her origins are confusing.