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Manaan was an aquatic planet in the Pyrshak system. It was home to the Selkath, an amphibious species. The planet was completely covered in water and was the only known source of the medicinal substance kolto in the galaxy. Controlled by the Rakata during pre-Republic history, it became independent following the collapse of their Infinite Empire. In the years leading up to and during the Jedi Civil War, kolto was so important to the galaxy that the Selkath were able to use their monopoly to enforce their policy of neutrality and autonomy. The only above-surface settlement on Manaan was the floating Ahto City, built above Hrakert Rift, an abundant source of Kolto. Hiding in the depths of the rift lay a station where the Republic was trying to harvest Kolto at its source, aided by rebellious Selkath who saw the evil of the Sith Empire. This station fell in ruins when a Giant Firaxan Shark believed to be the source of Kolto and Selkath on the planet made the Selkath in the station go mad and rapidly kill the rest of the Crew. Eventually, Revan would find one of the star maps leading to the Star Forge. The map completed other maps found on Kashyyyk, Dantooine, Korriban, and Tatooine. During the Jedi Civil War, both the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic attempted to get an upper hand in the war by creating secret deals that would give them more kolto. Since the selkath preferred to stay neutral, they did not favor the Republic or the Sith, however some rebelious Selkath did. Ultimately, however, the Selkath banned the Sith from Manaan for trying to overthrow the government. When kolto was replaced in favor of bacta, the Republic abandoned Manaan, and the Selkath left Ahto City for their ancient cities in the depths of the planet's oceans. Manaan did not have further contact with the galaxy until the Selkath were enslaved by the Galactic Empire sometime during the Galactic Civil War. Under the manipulation of Darth Vader, the Order of Shasa later overthrew their Imperial masters, only to become servants to Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. It also later became a flashpoint during the Yuuzhan Vong War.

Characters connected to Manaan.

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