Malcolm Ingram (2nd Devil's Child)

OC Malcolm Ingram (2nd Devil's Child)

Malcolm Vensaint

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Malcolm Ingram's History

Malcom was born in a poor country and was kicked out of his family household at the age of 14 since his family hadn't enough money to pay for his food or the room for his bed and belongings. His father was a drunk who abused him, and his mother was out working at a brothel most of the day and night and barely got to see Malcolm. At this point Malcolm was near death from hypothermia and starvation, but it wasn't over for him. On a very memorable after-noon for Malcolm three years after he was kicked out, he was abducted by a man who'd turn him into his slave (for labor/sex/humility etc.) even though he was only 17 at that point. After another 5 years of slavery, he died of over-exhaustion and wasn't remembered by any. As Malcolm made his way into the afterlife it turned out it wasn't so great either. As the life in your afterlife would resemble your previous life almost identically. Malcolm thought there was nothing to lose so he killed the abductor and started robbing innocent people. But little did he know, that would come with heavy consequences. It turned out that if your life wasn't judgeable for the gods that you'd be given a chance to see where you belonged, and after Malcolm killed that man and robbed the citizens, he was sentenced to purgatory in an abyss of nothing but walls of flesh and lakes of blood for the rest of eternity. Until at one point when the gods were distracted by a plague on which had taken place within humanity another man of the name Lucid helped Malcolm escape with him since he saw that in his eyes, he wasn't actually a terrible person. But Malcolm and Lucid would be caught by the god of the underworld Azazel. Azazel liked how Malcolm and Lucid were still lively after each had spent over 70+ years in purgatory, so Azazel made Lucid and Malcolm both demons, Lucid becoming a demon within dreams and Malcolm becoming an immortal vampire. Malcolm would later rejoin the world of humans as the soldiers of Azazel with the sole mission of creating an army of criminals that would cause the world chaos.