

Max Eisenhardt

universe Prime Marvel Universe

Magneto's weapons

Magneto relies primarily on his natural powers, although he has occasionally used magnetically-powered devices he invented, such as his machine for inducing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions from afar. Magneto used to employ mechanisms for magnifying his own powers, but, since his rejuvenation, he no longer needs them.

Magneto's equipment

Magneto's Helmet

Magneto's helmet is built to shield his mind from psychic probes and manipulation.


The costume that Magneto wears is actually a type of armor that he has created through the use of his magnetic powers. The costume is actually an amalgam of various lightweight, but highly durable, metallic alloys that further protect him from physical injury. He can also use different metals surrounding him to enhance his armor, making it as strong as Tony Stark's Iron Man Armor.

No equipment or weapons connected to Magneto