Magician (Heroes die)

Magician (Heroes die)


Superhero Database Original Characters

Magician's powers and abilities

Origin of powers

Xavier is the current incarnation of the Magic god The Magician who helped create reality. When the light came Xavier wasn't supposed to be the incarnation to have the god's powers, so the light forced him to start gaining that extent of his power.

Chaos vision

The ability to see Change, Distortion, Appearance, and Entrancement magic

Conjuers magic/h]

Xavier has Change, Distortion, Appearance, and Entrancement magic


House of Levithan: Levithan launcher, Beast bazooka, and Levi the leviathan.

House of butterfly: Destructive butterflies, Massocist monarchs, and The Queen of destructive butterflies

House of wyverns: Lauch lindworm, Crash cat, and Wyrm

Castle of crabs: Crunch Colossal, Grand King, and Captain crab

Stable of llamas: Bad baaaa, Rusher Ram, Camel cruiser and Liko Llama

House of dragonflies: Dazzling dragonflies, Lancer flies, and Sprite


Boom Boom Beam: Magic energy rushes from his fingers

Blaze busters: Two twin pistols that can create firework blasts.

Condrum catalyst: Rips apart reality allowing for dimensional travel and destruction

Forge force: Grant objects life

Chaos seal: create shields around entire locations

Celestial saws: creates levitating saw blades


Fused three universes with brother Atomic(boosted)

Ripped off Off-color's Avatar's arm

Magician's weaknesses


Xavier's control and skill over his powers diminish from emotion, however, Insanity and hysteria seem to increase his powers.