


Macroburst's powers and abilities

Wind Generation: Macroburst possessed the ability to generate high velocity wind, which also gave him the ability to fly via wind propulsion.

Aerokinetic Flight - Macroburst could fly using the wind - a difference of flight with the wind. He could also levitate in a similar manner to Apogee, though not as steadily.

Superhuman Endurance: Macroburst’s NSA file showed that he possessed high levels of endurance, allowing him to perform heroics for long periods of time without getting tired.

Superhuman Agility: Macroburst’s NSA file showed that he possessed some level of superhuman agility.

Macroburst's weaknesses

Claustrophobia - Macroburst suffered from a clinical fear of small and closed-in spaces.



Intelligence100 IQ
Strength200 kg • 441 lb
Speed113 m/s

Super Powers

AgilityDurabilityEnduranceSuper SpeedWind ControlFlightMaster Martial ArtistReflexesStaminaLevitation