Luna Alonso (Original)

OC Luna Alonso (Original)

Luna Lorenzia Alonso

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Luna Alonso's History


Luna Lorenzia Alonso was born on an iteration of Earth where superhumans existed. At birth this girl was not diagnosed to be a superhuman. However, it quickly became apparent that this girl had exceptional abilities especially high intelligence. As she was diagnosed with not being a superhuman, it was simply put of as her being gifted. Luna continued to grow up but soon noticed something was off… not only was she very, very intelligent but she could levitate and lift heavy objects. It all happened in private, so no one saw this. She could’ve bragged about it – but decided against it. Young Luna was wise enough to release that not only were unidentified superhumans prosecuted for security reasons, but it also attracted other unlawful attention – positive and negative. Henceforth she lived simply as Luna Lorenzia Alonso and not “Super” Luna Lorenzia Alonso. Now was this luck… or fate?

Luna eventually became 18 and her power had not only continued to grow on a steep linear curve, but the curve also actually started to become greatly exponential. She never tested her power because there was never a need for it, but something told her that she could lift the entire universe with relative ease. It didn’t help that her powers confirmed a theory of a super scientist that power was tied to beauty when it came to women. She was unnaturally beautiful but luckily found a way to conceal it to manageable levels. How long could she hold this disguise? Well, in front of other mortal humans perhaps indefinitely – in the face of Gods though she had failed to hide it the moment she was birthed.

They lost track of Luna when she became 14 – the time where actually started to heavily supress her powers. After 4 years a minor God, an angel was sent to check on her only find that her powers were mind boggling immense. He confronted her and threatened to take away her power. With no other choice, she had to knock him out why flicking her pinkie into his forehead. She knelt to look after him – she had knocked a God into an indefinite coma. Perhaps for the better. She didn’t know where he came from, and she didn’t know if she could sway him to another action. It was probably the safest choice for her and for him. She only had to hope that his absence would not cause a ruckus. Unfortunately, it did.

When the minor God didn’t show up back at the Pantheon, it became apparent that he had gone lost on his mission and that only one being could’ve confronted him was Luna. The Goddess, called Mia, who ruled the pantheon of Luna’s universe wanted to erase her from existence due to this threat, but there was intervention. A being simply called by Luna as “The Goddess” decided to take her on and make use of her incredible powers. “The Goddess” had recently (a few dozen hundred years ago but in the scheme of everything very recently) proved herself as by far the most powerful being in existence. Yet as the ruling Goddess she very much disliked Divine politics and wished to delegate it to someone different. Luna was the most obvious choice for her. Luna, who was hesitant to accept the offer, had to accept it. In the end Luna knew very little about her powers and she decided to go safe instead of possibly being obliterated. So, Luna became Regent of all existence at the young age of 18 on the order of “The Goddess”.

Rise of the Archduchess Luna

Luna quickly learned the ways of Divine politics and understood all direct subjects in the Divine Senate of the thousand. Her gifted intelligence made her an incredibly efficient administrator. During this time, she also became disgusted by how Gods and Goddesses were. She found out that most Gods and Goddesses didn’t wish to use their powers for the good of the mortals but instead for their own selfish interests. Luna thought for sure that sometimes they could be sadistic and evil perhaps as she increasingly felt a sadistic vein in herself. But many of them very straight up sadistic bastards who liked to see mortals suffer creating natural disasters here and there and making laws of reality which limited the potential of the mortals. The reason why humans could not travel faster than light in Luna’s universe was because Mia in her universe wanted them to remain in their space. While a wormhole was an option, creating a wormhole would actually create tear in reality leading right into hell and therefore dooming the universe. A cruel experiment by Mia of Luna’s original universe to see how long mortals could survive in a desperate last stand. Worse, hell was on most occasions an institution made by the Gods of the many universes and not a traitorous being rebelling against their liege. Ergo, The Devil and God or Goddess were nearly always the same being.

Period of Dark Justice

Luna then started to change. From simply being an organiser and administrator to reigning with an Iron fist. A few months in she then confronted Mia on charges of what she was doing, on which Mia simply replied:

“So what is wrong about it? Every other divine colleague also has the right to do this. As far as I know there’s no law in place to prevent me form doing experiments. Luna, I gave you and all others the gift of life so be thankful about it! You are a mere fetus to me. Only 18! Do you know how old I am Luna?”

Luna, angered said: “As far as I know, as Regent of our Goddess I am above divine law”, and then obliterated Mia on the spot.

Luna then ordered the incident to be kept secret, as she didn’t know how the other Gods and Goddesses would react. Luna continued to secretly put down excessively evil pantheon leaders in secret though she became more confident, and sadistic with every single one. She knew Mia was one of the weaker Goddesses, in fact she was so weak that she was not part of the Divine Senate. Her targets grew more and more powerful and yet Luna found out that none of them were a challenge. She discovered that she, Luna, inhabited powers that made other gods look like mortals to her. She took a liking in the murders that swayed from secrecy to rumour to open secret. Contorted, crushed, painfully slow. Even a more powerful multiversal God was a mere plaything to her. When confronted in the Senate on this matter by a good God she first praised those who didn’t indulge in their misuse of powers and then loathed all others, stating that from now on there was no abuse of powers against groups of mortals anymore. And she was the only one (with the exception of temporary chosen) who had the power to decide if someone had crossed the Rubicon of evil or not.

In the words of Luna, “[…] Incompetence in arbitrariness of law ends here. You divine beings, so I declare today, have been granted the gift of power because your only, I repeat your only duty is to serve the mortals you reign over as well as [Name of “The Goddess”]! Which of course includes me as her chosen… Adhere to the principles I have laid before you today and be granted wealth and power and my forever lasting gratitude.”

With a snap of her fingers, every good-aligned felt power flow into them. It was not much, but enough to make a difference. Power was redistributed from the powerful “evil” Gods and Goddesses to the good ones.

“In my benevolence I want to remind you that these principles are in effect from today. So all crimes you have committed in the past are forgiven. Take the correct route and we shall prosped together…”

However Luna knew that this was not go smoothly – and hoped for it. Moments after she declared this two dozen divine beings charged her but were stopped dead in their tracks halfway through.

“I knew it… Sometimes I wonder how fools like you are more stupid than the mortals. Well let’s begin with the fact that I am a mortal myself, right? But that’s besides the point. Let’s say you’d manage to kill me – then what? Do you think [Name of “The Goddess”] would simply let you go?”, the divine beings then relented. But it was already too late.

With this move Luna had exposed the most treacherous beings and in a particular gruesome display in the divine pantheon itself publicly executed all the 48 who dared to attempt an assassination. The power was again redistributed.

A few months later, essentially all rebellious overlords had been put down, she was confronted by a being that had sympathies with those who were executed as they had evil tendencies, and everyone knew that. Despite this Luna was not resentful. During this crushing of the rebellion, she was dubbed the Archduchess for her brutal rule by the supreme divine pantheon as well as “The Goddess”.

“Your majesty…”, the being said with fear in their voice, “I must mention that even those remaining loyal to you, before or after the incident where you executed the 48, we are severely disheartened by what had transpired. How can we trust you to uphold the principles of what you have declared several fortnights ago, if you are above the law yourself? How can we trust you that in the pursuit of the dark desires everyone in this hall has that you also restrain yourself and not make us your cattle?”

It was a statement with effect. They were unsure about Luna now and she realised this. This being was not known to be insecure or even caring about others.

“Briar”, Luna answered, “While what you say is true, why would I propose such ideas if I were not adhering to them myself? If I wanted to sadistically play out my feelings, I wouldn’t have declared this months ago in the first place unless I wanted to limit the fun to myself which would be questionable and not in character at all. Rest assured. I have nothing but my word to give and I shall prove it to you”, Luna took a sigh, actually realising what horrible things she did in the past, “I have said that your only existence is to serve the mortals you reign over as well as serve the one true Goddess above us which would include me as her chosen. I shall add that I, in this exonerated position will do everything in my power to serve you, the mortals you rule over and our Goddess. As has been made abundantly clear: My power is so massively above the combined might of the pantheon, that I might as well regard you as the mortals I reign over. Don’t interpret it as an insult. Take my sentence again. First, I shall serve you and then you shall serve me after having served the mortals.”

The end of “The Goddess”

After that Luna started an effort to win the trust of the divine beings, and herself again. She was very disappointed by herself. She became what she resented. Sure, her fury and sadism were always directed against individuals she deemed unworthy, it was excessive. Months passed and she slowly became the old Luna again. A benevolent ruler with a new title she began to like more and more. “Archduchess”… So why not act as one? In a surprisingly good period of rebuilding, she won over the pantheon once more and held her promise. She became strict again but in a controlled and very fair manner. Mess up big time and be executed (satiating her everlasting dark desires) – adhere to the principles and be granted nigh any wish you wanted. Execution very rarely happened as first Luna was going to solve things diplomatically first.

However, there was something annoying Luna’s mind. “The Goddess” had become an obnoxious being.

One such example was the following conversation:

“Luna, I am thoroughly disappointed that this spectacle had ended.”

“Which spectacle?”

“Well, I found it very amusing how you became just what I wanted and then simply undid your destiny. The Archduchess was a woman of perfect authoritarian rule! If I were in your position, I had done the same thing and I would it now. Force them to fight for you or die. Satiate what is in all of us as you pick out your rebellious servants as you crush them between you lush, THICC legs and moan. Remember what you did to Kira?”


“Anyway, Luna, I will let you do your thing. But be warned that I have plans and that my ever-growing power demands new ideas. Seeing you rule for me, and everything worship me is the epitome of what a living being could achieve.”

“Yes… your majesty…”

“The Goddess” then left Luna, knowing that soon enough, “The Goddess’” hunger might even strike the Regent.

Time passed and Luna became very popular. One Godly historian called DeLeclerc described Luna as follows: Cited from “The Rise of our Infinite Goddess” in 2nd year of Emmaline

Archduchess Luna Lorenzia Alonso has had her up and downs… She remained a largely passive, though efficient figure during her first three months of her reign and then through mischievous conduct I will condemn here [referring to the secret killings of the gods] she became very active. Yet this draconian activity can only be summarized not as a benevolent ruler of justice like she proposed during this time, but as a vile dictator forced upon this position. Through the intervention of Briar, which is believed to be cause for reversion, activity declined back to passive behaviour with the additional loss of less efficiency than during the beginning of her reign. Her power regressed and therefore even her beauty and aura dimmed to a low-level. As stated by The Archduchess herself, she was in fact mortal and not of godly kind. They [mortals] are subject to something they call a short depressive episode or a depression for the long term.

If a powerful regent in such a position with consideration of the events and her age was justifiable for such a weakness is up for debate. I on the other hand will take up the position to defend her in retrospect as I will lay out before you. The Archduchess took up a monumental effort after her episode to rebuild her trust and succeeded in it and kept the promise declared on the 27th of Lunarian, 2567th year of Marinarian. Her activity, power and therefore beauty and her powerful aura redoubled to new heights. In this short period existence and in-existence had never seen such progress as ever before as shown in the Dalarian spring of Gods and Goddesses. In addition to that her charisma has been aided by what once was fatal mistake made by her. She turned what was evil into good. Seeing what the Archduchess was, she decided to imitate a new version of it. The new Archduchess was not vile, overly arrogant or brutal, but smug, rightfully dominant and even compared to the then ruling Marina: Sexy. She found the balance between extremes and as far as I am concerned achieved mortal perfection.

Luna was not yet at the peak of her popularity – many wondered how far it could go. There though was this inescapable feeling of something soon happening and Luna genuinely worried about all the divine beings she ruled over. [Name of “The Goddess”] was a danger. She felt it. And then it struck on 2nd Emilienian of 2567th year of Marinarian – “The Goddess” after long hibernation took centre stage, saying that she was not content anymore just seeing her “Empire” expand and grow. Her power called for more and more. New worlds. A new beginning. “The Goddess” called for a grand tribute as a significant number of Gods and Goddesses shall be sacrificed and their power consumed into “The Goddess”. The goal was to break through some kind of imagined barrier to rediscover or even restart all existence. In a move that was taken into consideration but was quickly dismissed again was the possibility that Luna was going to intervene (she did). How could Luna, how powerful she was meant to be, be more powerful than the woman she swore loyalty to?

Despite this we may not forget who Luna is and was. A woman who hid her power. A woman who fought for justice and in the end moulded herself into a perfect form of herself. Not only in terms of power, but her mind became that of a true great regent. Luna reminded all, that she had never sworn loyalty. That was a misconception. The only reason why she had accepted this offer (an offer!) was because she believed it to be the best way for her to survive. This view point changed significantly. “The Goddess” laughed and wanted to brutally, and slowly crumble Luna to death like she did with so many others only to find out that while Luna struggled at first, her psychic grip barely lasted. Luna grunted, her tight cloths squeaking as she struggled against it. When she broke free though it was like Luna overpowered the law of reality; “The Goddess’” mind was close to shattering. Then erasure. And then a battle – one-sided. Luna grossly squashed any power “The Goddess” had. Fast enough that her mere movement on such a high level disintegrated her enemy. A body so hard that when “The Goddess” intended to bash Luna’s head her entire arm broke against Luna’s hair. And Luna’s strength so herculean, that the tip of her nipple contained more powerful than “The Goddess’” entire body. Luna relished every moment of it, falling into a controlled blood lust the moment it she had banished her into her own hell.