

Lucy Bauer

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Lucy's powers and abilities

Artificially Enhanced Physiology: Thanks to Eli Morrow, Lucy Bauer became out of phase with the Earth realm, which gave her ghost-like abilities.

Superhuman Speed: Bauer managed to propagate across a room instantly with barely any effort.

Fear Inducement: With a single touch or whisper, Bauer was capable of infecting a person's mind. The infection would affect the part of the brain that controls the sleep/wake cycle, resulting in nightmarish hallucinations that would gradually drive the victim to paranoia and homicidal rage. The hallucinations would usually be of people around the victim having black eyes and their faces becoming darkened and mottled. Eventually, the resulting constant state of fight or flight would cause cardiac arrest, killing the victim.

Intangibility: Bauer was able to phase through walls unimpeded, though she was still tangible enough to physically interact with the outside world. However, she could walk through people and cause fear. Although, she was surprised to find that Ghost Rider could touch her.

Invisibility: Bauer could render herself invisible and occasionally used this ability to surprise and scare her targets before infecting them.



Intelligence160 IQ
Strength90 kg • 198 lb
Speed10 m/s

Super Powers

Fear InducementIntangibilityInvisibility