Lucifer Morningstar

Lucifer Morningstar


universe Lucifer tv show

Lucifer Morningstar's powers and abilities


As a fallen archangel, Lucifer cannot be killed by any ordinary means.


Lucifer is capable of manipulating objects without touching them, as shown when he levitated and spun a coin with his mind.

Pheromone Control

Lucifer's presence lowers the inhibitions of everyone around him, inducing them to reveal their darkest secrets and desires, by simply asking, such as making a police officer reveal how he breaks the law or getting a woman to reveal she wasn't attracted to another man. Lucifer can also easily make himself sexually irresistible to most human women and men "by appealing to the virile urge" in all of them, and thus has never been rejected, except by Chloe Decker.

Superhuman Strength

Lucifer possesses great physical strength. He was able to send a large man flying 30 feet through a glass wall with a mere push, and singlehandedly lift an even bigger man by the throat.

Superhuman Reflexes

Lucifer possesses great reflexes, as he was able to effortlessly catch a knife thrown at him at high speed.

Superhuman Stamina

Lucifer has claimed that he possesses tremendous stamina. He once went a week without sleeping but doing so resulted in impaired cognitive function.


Claiming to be indestructible, Lucifer's body is capable of withstanding numerous point-blank gunshots, without being hurt, and his skin was unaffected after being slashed with a knife.


Lucifer can alter the appearance of his face, making it appear as a fearsome demon with red skin and blazing red eyes. He is also capable of just altering the color of his eyes to red.


Lucifer was able to instantly appear inside a house, right after he was left locked inside of a car.


As a fallen archangel Lucifer possesses large angelic wings. Although after he leaving Hell, he asked Mazikeen to cut them off. However, they eventually grew back after Lucifer judged himself for his act of rebellion.


Like all angels, Lucifer is capable of using his large angelic wings to fly.

Dimensional Travel

Lucifer is able to use the wings to travel between Earth and Hell without dying.



Intelligence200 IQ
Strength50+ tons
Speed439x Speed of Sound

Super Powers

AcausalityAccelerated HealingAcid ResistantsAgilityAngel PhysiologyBanishBody PuppetryCold ResistanceDancingDeath ManipulationDexterityDivine PowersDivinityDurabilityElectricity ResistanceEmpathyEnduranceEnergy ConstructsEnergy ManipulationEnergy ResistanceEnhanced MemoryExtrasensory PerceptionFate ResistanceFire ResistanceFusionGravity ControlHeat GenerationHeat ResistanceHellfire ManipulationHellfire ResistanceIce ManipulationImmortalityIntelligenceInvulnerabilityLife ManipulationLight ControlLongevityMagicMagic ResistanceMaster Martial ArtistMatter ManipulationMind Control ResistanceMultilingualismOmnilingualismPlant ControlPossession ResistanceRadiation ControlRadiation ImmunityReality WarpingReality Warping ResistanceReflexesRegenerationSelf-SustenanceSingingSoul ManipulationSoul ResistanceSpatial ManipulationStaminaSuper SpeedSuper StrengthTeleportationTime Manipulation ResistanceToxin and Disease ResistanceUnholy ManipulationUnholy ResistanceVehicular MasteryWeapons MasterWeather ControlWind ControlWing ManifestationWishingAcrobaticsBiokinesisCausality ResistanceClairvoyanceCreationCurse ResistanceDimensional TravelEnhanced HearingEnhanced SightEnhanced SmellEnhanced ThieveryEnhanced TouchFear InducementFearlessFire ControlFood ManipulationGrappling/ClimbingHoly ManipulationHoly ResistanceIllusion ResistanceIntimidationJumpLeadershipMadness ManipulationMaster TacticianMind ControlNecromancyNon-Physical InteractionPain ManipulationPreparationResurrectionShapeshiftingSocial InfluencingStealthSwordsmanshipTechnopath/CyberpathTelekinesisTelepathyTelepathy ResistanceToxin and Disease ControlVitakinesisWater ControlAudio AlterationAudio ControlBroadway ForceExistence Erasure ResistanceFlightLatent AbilitiesPortal CreationPower AugmentationPower BestowalPower NullifierShockwaves GenerationThe Fourth WallTime Manipulation