Love Yuna (Ubiquitous)

Love Yuna (Ubiquitous)


Superhero Database Original Characters

Love Yuna's History

One night, while she was watching her fiancé, a cosmic conqueror, doing his usual work of masterminding, hiring henchmen, and ordering equipment she discovered his secret compartment right in her corner spot in the master's room. When she activated a mechanism, it transported her to the same place, but this time the place was filled with nanomites (tiny organics) that were colored white-ish. They started to swarm upon her, covering her from head to toe and entered through her ears. Her fiancé noticed this, and he shouted "Hey what are you doing?", but she had trouble responding as a sudden rush of power was imbued on her from her fiancé's secret experimental "cicadabots" which were meant to be used for his most elite of goons and thugs. She then started manifesting new powers and abilities and took on additional roles and duties from her "husband".