

Curtis Connors

universe Prime Marvel Universe

Lizard's powers and abilities

The Lizard has superhuman strength, enabling him to lift (press) approximately 12 tons. The Lizard possesses a number of superhuman powers endowed by his reptilian form, including his superhuman strength. His powerful leg muscles enable him to clear 12 feet in a standing high jump and 18 feet in a standing broad jump. His alligator-like hide is tougher than human skin, and is capable of resisting the penetration of small caliber bullets. His reaction time is about twice that of the normal human being and he can run at speeds of up to 45 miles per hour. The Lizard possesses a 6.5-foot tail, which he can whip at speeds up to 70 miles per hour. Like a gecko lizard, his hands and feet have retractable 1-inch hooks growing from the base of his palm and the ball of his foot, and his fingers and toes are covered with scores of tiny claws to create adhesive pads. As a result, the Lizard can support his weight climbing up and down normally intractable surfaces. When the Lizard, the R-complex of Connors' brain (the most primitive region of the human brain containing the most bestial drives) takes over the cerebellum, causing Connors' mind to become progressively inhuman. The Lizard gains a quasi-telepathic ability to communicate with and command all reptiles within about a one-mile radius of himself. In his human form, Dr. Curtis Connors is a brilliant biologist and biochemist, and is a leading herpetologist (a scientist who studies reptiles).