


Superhero Database Original Characters

Littlepip's History

Littlepip is the main protagonist of Fallout: Equestria.

She maintains no allegiance with any particular faction, traveling independently throughout the Equestrian Wasteland with her companions. She hails from Stable 2, where she lived until she left to pursue a fellow resident, Velvet Remedy.

Littlepip is driven by a deep-seated desire to help other ponies and to make the wastelands a better place. Her adventures earn her the moniker of "Lightbringer," given to her by DJ Pon3, and she is considered by many who hear of her efforts to be a heroine and role model. Even though she thinks of herself as ordinary and untalented, her selfless actions and sense of justice have earned the loyalty of her allies and the respect of her enemies.

She played a significant role in shaping the wastelands 200 years after The Great War, having played a key part in the liberation of Old Appleloosa, the cleansing of several Stables, the defeat of Mister Topaz and dismantling of the Shattered Hoof Raiders, the Steel Rangers' civil war, the destruction of The Goddess, and other major events.

In combat, Littlepip has been known to use a Zebra Rifle and a scoped pistol called Little Macintosh, and relies on her skill in telekinesis and her PipBuck's S.A.T.S. to dispatch foes with deadly accuracy. Outside of combat, she serves as her party's leader and navigator, typically deciding their destinations and tasks. She also possesses skills in lockpicking and hacking, which she uses frequently to learn more about the world Equestria has become.

She is a smart unicorn, prone to witty verbal remarks as well as many colorful epithets. (The language was taken out for the all ages audience.) She is able to concoct well thought-out plans for both herself and her team, often adding backups and contingencies to ensure that they succeed.

She is incredibly curious, often to the point of digressing from her goals to investigate new places; her companions have pointed out this as a particular vice. She is, however, well suited to the task with skills in hacking Terminals and pre-war technology in general. Littlepip has a profound interest in Lockpicking, and is incredibly tenacious about opening all locked containers and safes she encounters.

She is affable and, due to her naive upbringing in a sheltered environment in a Stable, has a strong idea of right and wrong. However, her definition of what is right and wrong does change over time, which coupled with her natural bravery leads her into foolhardy situations from seemingly impossible rescues to dangerous missions with little more reward than just to help someone.

Littlepip possesses a fine amount of natural charisma, and has managed to gather a very diversified group of Wasteland warriors under a single banner, with her as de facto leader. Littlepip is a lesbian. She has a girlfriend, Homage, and has possessed a long-term crush on Velvet Remedy from fillyhood.